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This is yet another Skyward Sword video that you should watch, as it contains direct-feed gameplay/audio. You’ll be able to listen to Link’s “voice” and dungeon music.


Title: Centipede: Infestation
Publisher: Atari Inc.
Developer: Wayforward Technologies
Platforms: Nintendo Wii, 3DS
Release Date: Fall 2011
ESRB Rating: Anticipated E10+
Genre: Arcade Shooter
SRP: $39.99

This information comes from Carlson Choi, VP of Marketing at Namco Bandai…

“It’s been a slow start, but that’s similar to how DS went in the beginning. We’re really close with all the first party companies, but especially Nintendo because our origin of business is in Japan. We know they’ll invest heavily in it. It’s a big platform they believe in and we believe in it too, so we’re going to support it with our key franchises. The moment you cut the price of the item the perceived value goes down. We’d love to have them retain the price because it keeps the premium status of that product and it allows us to bring premium games to that market. We”re bringing some of our most cherished IPs to the 3DS. I think 3DS is going to have a very big Holiday season this year. Just look at the lineup Nintendo is planning. I think Nintendo feels confident. They’re not going to take their foot off the pedal.”

Well, Nintendo’s going to have to do something if the 3DS doesn’t sell well! Still, it is early, so I don’t think they’re going to be slashing the system’s price any time soon. And Ocarina of Time 3D will finally be releasing, along with a few other high-quality titles. It’ll be interesting to see what happens after that.


The Wii isn’t getting a price drop in Japan, but Nintendo is preparing a new bundle that will include an additional Wii Remote Plus. It’s going on sale on June 23.


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