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Konami games for 2011

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News | 0 comments

Nintendo and The Pokémon Company are giving Pokémon™ fans yet another reason to get revved up for the March 6 launch of the Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version video games for the Nintendo DS™ family of systems. Consumers who purchase either of the new games between launch and April 10 will be able to receive a special Liberty Pass via Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection (broadband Internet access required), which will enable them to catch the never-before-seen Mythical Pokémon Victini™.

Victini – the Victory Pokémon – is the first Pokémon that’s Psychic- and Fire-type and cannot be obtained through normal game play. It is said that Victini creates an unlimited supply of energy, which it shares with others. This energy source may be the secret to how it brings about victories. Victini’s unique and exclusive Victory Star ability not only increases its own accuracy in battle, but also boosts the accuracy of all a player’s Pokémon in battle. Victini is a must-have in any Pokémon battle, and is especially useful in Triple Battles, which debut in Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version.

This feature, in short, is about my life with Nintendo. I may have started late in the company’s long run of systems, but there’s no denying that Nintendo is a large part of my gaming life, even if it’s not the main focus. Today, I’m going to talk about my time with the Game Boy, and Pokémon – my greatest Nintendo obsession.

My obsession with Pokémon began in 1998 when the original show was airing on Saturdays on WB (now called the CW). This was even before they repeated everything the day after. They stopped doing that a few months later. The first episode I saw was the one where Ash was facing some trainer with a Parasect and Charmeleon refused to obey him and got owned by said Parasect. I don’t recall the name of the episode though (but I’m sure someone knows it).

You know, I almost forgot this game existed! The game should be out fairly soon, if I’m remembering correctly.

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