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Fluidity footage

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 5 Comments

Fluidity details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment

– Tilt-controlled puzzle game
– Direct water through trap-filled mazes
– Inside a magical book
– Tilt the Wiimote back and forth
– Puzzle of water will split apart if you direct it over gratings, holes, gaps between moving platforms
– Sometimes need to divide water
– Usually need to make sure not to lose too much water in different pockets of the maze
– Bubbles restore lost water
– Bubbles also add to the original puddle
– Locate and pop bubbles
– Convert your water to gas or solid at multiple points
– Puzzles start out very basic
– The first few puzzles made to teach you the basics
– Flick the Wimote up to jump over gaps in the ground
– Levels start to become more complex as you progress
– Roll water through treacherous spinning platforms that threaten to break up your puddle in one level
– In another level, you need to float a fish back to its bowl to receive a Rainbow Drop
– Rainbow Drop is the game’s currency
– Use Rainbow Drops to unlock stages
– Game is coming “soon”


This information comes from Yoshio Sakamoto…

“At Nintendo we always have the obligation to surprise users with a new game console. We have never done what others have. We prefer to create something new that catches attention, and I think this will continue this time as well. Surely the new Nintendo machine will leave you all with your mouth open.”

I don’t know how much Sakamoto really knows about the Big N’s next console, but Nintendo employees always say that they hope their hardware will surprise people. I’d definitely say a lot of people were surprised by the 3DS – The 3D itself, how well the 3D works, the system’s graphics and features, etc. I’m sure the Wii’s successor will impress gamers as well!


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