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Famitsu review scores

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 1 Comment

Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X (PSP) – 9/8/9/8
Assassin’s Creed II (Platinum Collection) (PS3/360) – 9/9/8/9
Tetris Party Premium (Wii) – 8/6/7/8
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 (PS3) – 7/6/6/6
Jewel Pet: Mahou no Oheyade Isshoni Asobou (DS) – 8/7/7/7
Tetris Party Premium (DS) – 8/7/7/7
Mame Goma 3: Kawaii ga Ippai (DS) – 6/6/6/7
Battle Spirits: Digital Starter (DS) – 7/7/8/8
Heart Catch PreCure! Oshare Collection (DS) – 7/7/7/7

StormLover (PSP) – 8/7/8/7
J-League Winning Eleven 2010 Club Championship (PS2) – 8/7/7/8
Oretachi no Sabage Versus (PSP) – 6/5/4/5

Remember the teaser from Famitsu we posted last week? Well, it seems it was for Atlus’ new RPG game, Radiant Historia. The title itself might be familiar to some, as a trademark for the title popped up a few months ago. The only piece of information we have at this point is that it’s for the DS. But hang tight – More details will be shared soon. We’ve also posted the first scan of the game above.

This information comes from the Official Nintendo Magazine…

“One of the reasons we’ve chosen the art style we have with Skyward Sword is that it is a better vehicle to showcase the exaggerated characteristics of some of the characters. Not only of the enemy characters, but as a representation of the sword spirit itself. Because of the way we have put the game together you have to focus on how the enemy is carrying their weapon, and there are a couple of different ways you can go about that. One, you can be super-realistic, and the other, not so realistic. We thought that because we want to highlight the swordfighting combat, we have to exaggerate the features. We thought that the art style we chose was best-suited to do that. You have to match the art style to how the game plays, and we thought this worked best. We matched the artwork so that we can highlight the over-exaggeration in the gameplay.” – Eiji Aonuma

At first, I wasn’t really sure what to make of Skyward Sword’s art style. However, I’ve warmed up to it quite a bit since the title was announced. One reason for that is due to the image above – It looks very nice, don’t you think?

“When launching a new IP on a platform that is dominated by nostalgia giants like Mario, Zelda and Metroid it’s very easy to become overshadowed by the imminent release of the next big sequel…especially when we have no real budget to market the title. Also, the release lineup for the Wii has been so intense this year, that it’s been a challenge to capture gamers’ attentions. When we’re constantly seeing new trailers for Metroid: Other M, Epic Mickey, Kirby’s Epic Yarn (aside: what’s with all the ‘epic’ this year?), it’s hard for the little guy to get the spotlight. I also think we had a bit of a bad start at E3 last year when we unveiled the game before it was really ready to be shown.” – Frozen North CEO Julian Spillane

Like I said yesterday, there’s really a lot to look forward to with Flip’s Twisted World. I’m a huge fan of platformers, and this one has quite an awesome gameplay hook when it comes to offering something unique. I really hope you all check it out and at least consider a purchase, because I’m sure it’s going to be a blast to play, even if it doesn’t sell all that well. But hey, there’s still hope, right?

“It’s been very positive. We’ve had two great recent previews in Nintendo Power (April 2010, July 2010) and the latest hands-on previews have been coming in positively as well. After E3 2009 we really took a lot of the comments to heart and did our best to improve the areas the gamer community thought were lacking.”

Via Dtoid

– Has a two player co-op mode
– 6 player online options
– Perks System
– Has achievements
– Arcade and Challenge Modes
– Some missions will have players pilot attack helicopters and stealth fighter jets
– Companion product to the console versions
– Story/missions provide a different perspective and fill in the story
– Same engine as the previous Call of Duty DS games, but has been optimized/revised
– New user interface
– New button control scheme
– When picking up a dropped weapon, tap the icon to swap out for the new weapon, or you can drag/drop the weapon onto an inactive button
– Button controls option: Play with ABXY buttons, control pad, shoulder buttons only (no stylus)
– Customization controls options
– Auto-lock feature for Recruit/Regular difficulties
– Precise camera controls
– Weapon selection/multiplayer map scale/variety has been improved
– More sniper rifle/shotguns usage
– Crosshairs tweaked
– Perks system like the consoles games
– Co-op is separate from the single-player campaign
– Game pays homage to the knife throwing mechanic in GoldenEye 007 DS

n-Space on the 3DS…

“The word most often used to describe the 3DS by those fortunate enough to experience it at E3 is ‘magical.’ We feel this is completely justified and that it’s a home run for Nintendo and for developers like n-Space that have been dedicated supporters for many years…As with any new system, the types and number of games are really going to depend on the reaction of the gaming public. The DS has a tremendous installed base and the backward compatibility of the 3DS will definitely make the DS format viable for years to come. Like in previous platform transitions (think PS2), I expect to see an ongoing market for DS games, with their budgets and retail prices decreasing as leading developers move quickly to the new platform. “


– Cave Story inspired by Super Metroid, La-Mulana inspired by Maze of Galious, Night Sky by Marble Madness
– Cave Story will be out in Europe soon, needs a PEGI rating
– European version of Cave Story will have some bug fixes
– La-Mulana about 95% complete, will most likely arrive sometime between September and October
– Night Sky will be released in December or early 2011
– Night Sky could have tilt controls
– Nicalis wants to work with Pixel on a DSi title
– Nicalis has interest in the 3DS, mentioned “racing games where you use the gyroscope to look around inside the car”
– Nicalis has contacted Nintendo about receiving a 3DS dev kit, still waiting for it

Thanks to Robert for the tip!


This comes straight from n-Space’s Facebook page:

Hmm… Looks like we may get news on exactly what that next game coming from them is! My money is on the DS version of Call of Duty: Black Ops, but I’ve been surprised before! We’ll keep an eye on IGN to see what’s up with all this…

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