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As you can see, it’s barely different than the North American boxart.

San Diego Comic Con is just around the corner and Capcom is going to be there in full force! Residing in booth #4844, our space this year is its largest to date and filled with fun activities and games including our newest line-up of 2010/2011 games to play, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 tournaments happening in the ring and signings by Capcom producers and special guest artists. The Capcom Store will offer items exclusive to Comic Con and in limited supply including 10 of the Dead Rising 2 motorcycle jacket and 6 of Nero’s Red Queen Sword along with a host of other great Capcom apparel and items. Also making its return is the Grab Bag filled with cool Capcom stuff! For more exclusive drops of information on the Capcom store at Comic Con, check out all this week!

Below please find a complete listing of panels Capcom is holding during Comic Con this year. Stop by the Capcom booth for the full schedule of producer signings and activities.

The following information comes from SEGA’s Western president Mike Hayes…

“We’re under so many NDAs, I can’t answer that question. Are we going to have titles at and around launch? Absolutely yes, we will do. I think Nintendo have managed the whole project absolutely brilliantly. They’ve worked brilliantly with third-parties; that was said at their E3 conference. I think that was a double-sided comment from them actually: ‘Thank you third parties, but you actually didn’t believe in DS and Wii [at launch] did you?’ And we’re like: ‘Point well taken.’ Whereas of course with 3DS it’s one of the best third-party involvements there has been in recent years with Nintendo – that’s fantastic.”

“I mean, what a great piece of kit. It’s truly innovative. Their engineers are quite phenomenal – first of all with the DS and now this. The interesting thing is for Nintendo is I think they can expand their audience. I think they can move beyond the younger audience. It was encouraging to see games like Saints Row for example from THQ at E3. I think that’s a great opportunity for Nintendo and for us – particularly Western-orientated publishers. So House of the Dead or Aliens vs. Predator or other core titles like that could see a home on that platform as well, of course, as all the brands that we know will do well – Monkey Ball, Sonic etc. In terms of technology, It’s Nintendo isn’t it… They work in their huge, successful separate world. That dismissal of 3D glasses was a surprise, but they’ve created something unique. That’s Nintendo. They’ll create a phenomenally big market that this time around, which will engage third-party; at least engage them more from the outset. I think what Reggie was saying about the gaming is absolutely right – forget the technology of what they’ve created with 3DS, just enjoy the games.

The situation with 3DS launch software is a bit confusing at the moment since we don’t know who will be supporting it at launch and with what titles. It also doesn’t help that we don’t even have a firm release date for the system. However, that should change sometime in the near future, and things will become much clearer.


This footage isn’t new, but just in case you want to see someone different playing the game from another perspective, we’ve posted the video below.


– Tusk Pokemon
– .6m tall
– Weighs 18kg
– Rivalry and Mold Breaker abilities
– Dragon-type
– New attack: Double Chop, attacks twice

– Bat Pokemon
– .4m tall
– Weighs 2.1kg
– Unaware and Klutz abilities
– Psychic/Flying-type
– New attack: Heart Stamp, makes opponent flinch

– Lookout Pokemon
– .5m tall
– Weighs 11.6kg
– Run Away and Keen Eye abilities
– Normal-type
– New attack: You First, opponent moves first

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