A gift from Jason
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 0 comments
Our partner site Wiivolution Now has turned one! To commemorate the occasion Jason decided to offer his own readers – as well as ours – a free Wii game-related gift! Free, you say? “Free” sounds good to me, especially in this economy!
You can follow this link here and obtain your free gift. For helpful directions on how to use the gift, please click here. Basically, Jason has created a handful of Super Smash Bros. Brawl levels for your enjoyment, called called Battle Grounds Volume 1. You’ll be able to use the free gift as long as you have a copy of the game, an SD card, and a way to read the SD card.
We want to thank Wiivolution Now for their partnership with us, their generous gift, and we wish them many more anniversaries to come!
Zelda Wii now available for preorder at GameStop
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
In light of the recent news surrounding Zelda Wii’s release window, GameStop has now made the game available for preorder. Earlier this week, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata told the Asahi Shimbun that the next Zelda title will be released this year. Iwata didn’t say, however, if this meant that the game would ship globally before 2011 or if the news applies to a specific territory. Anyway, you can preorder the game online right here.
Thanks to Chad for the news tip!
Japan’s VC/DSiWare updates next week
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 1 Comment
Parodius (MSX, 800pts, Konami)
Salamander (MSX, 800pts, Konami)
at Chess: Challenge Spirits (200pts, Tasuke)
GG series: D-Tank (200pts, Genterprise)
Artist ni Narou! Minna no Nurie Joukyuu Hen (500pts, Ertain)
Pinball Attack (500pts, ArtePiazza)
Genius Panel English->Japanese Rakubiki Jiten (800pts, Nintendo)
Genius Panel Japanese->English Rakubiki Jiten (800pts, Nintendo)
Fragile may have a pre-order bonus, XSEED to announce future titles soon
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii | 0 comments
“In terms of pre-order bonuses, do you know about the Lunar Collectors Edition? Or how about the exclusive Ragnarok Online accessories for your online avatar by pre-ordering Ragnarok DS at participating retailers? We are also currently looking into a pre-order bonus for Fragile Dreams as well.
And yes, we have some titles beyond Q1 which we haven’t announced yet. We will probably make an official announcement within a month’s time or so about our upcoming lineup.” – XSEED rep
I’m really interested to see what XSEED has in store this year. You never know what title they’ll localize for the American market. Even though XSEED lost Muramasa and Arc Rise Fantasia, they’re still a very competent publisher.
Marvelous open to portable Little King’s Story
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 5 Comments
“LKS on DS, huh? That sounds like fun. So yes, I’d like to think it’s possible. But in that sense I’d like to consider the possibility on all the platforms. To tell you the truth, until recently I thought it would be difficult to do on a handheld device. However, I came up with an idea that might work well as a handheld RTS action game…” – Yoshiro Kimura of Marvelous Entertainment
Little King’s Story is such an appreciated title. Sadly, the game hasn’t sold too well up to this point. I wonder if a portable version would be able to perform better on the DS.
Nintendo shipments: No for Metroid Prime Trilogy, yes for New Play Control! titles
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 9 Comments
Below are three responses composed by Nintendo customer service representatives. Unfortunately, Nintendo is no longer shipping additional copies of Metroid Prime Trilogy. However, one representative noted that New Play Control! titles are still being shipped to stores.
“Unfortunately, Metroid Prime Trilogy is no longer being shipped. Having said that, you may be able to find what you seek through the secondhand video game market.”
“Thanks for your e-mail. The earlier response regarding Metroid Prime Trilogy was correct: it is no longer being shipped. When first introduced, it was announced that there would be limited availability. However, a reason for this was not announced. That being said, you may still be able to locate a copy via stores that specialize in previously played or used games.”
“As to your second question, additional New Play Control! titles have not been announced. However, the original titles are still being shipped.”
Thanks to Scott for the news tip!
SEGA talks sales of Wii titles, believes Nintendo could expand mature market with their own game, and says gamer’s games for Wii will continue
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 2 Comments
The following information comes from James Rebours, SEGA’s France & Spain CEO. Like the quotes we posted from Capcom a few days ago, Rebours’ words will appear a bit garbled since they went through a machine translation. But I think you guys will be able to understand most of it.
SEGA on sales of Grand Slam Tennis…
“He did well in France, but mainly on platforms of new generation. On Wii, let’s be clear, there was a collision with Grand Slam Tennis. The market could be more dynamic without the frontal approach, and we expected to do more. It is the PlayStation 3 version that was the best selling.”
Udon confirms new endings for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
We already know that Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars will be considerably different than its first Japanese release, Cross Generation of Heroes. Some of the more significant changes are the inclusion of new characters and the added online mode. But according to a post written on Udon’s blog, Ultimate All-Stars will feature new endings as well. Udon has created 26 endings for the title, each of which can be viewed once you complete a character’s story.
Namco Bandai patents new drumming game that uses drumstick shells
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
– Patent filed by Nobutaka Nakajima
– Drum game requires two remotes
– When the remotes are inserted, use a desk/other flat surfaces like a drum
– Stick inside the shells absorb the shock
– Play the notes on beat
– Angle of impact changes the drum sound (ex: down = tom drum, left = snare drum)