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Last Window details

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 2 Comments

– Game begins on Dec. 18, 1980
– Kyle wakes up inside his car, here’s his pager, calls the Red Crown company
– Company says he has been fired and has been evicted from his apartment
– Kyle finds a random letter from someone looking for something called the “Red Star”
– The Red Star is inside Cape West (apartment building) which will be demolished soon
– Kyle visits the apartment, realizes it may be connected to his father’s death
– Still in a 3D first-person view
– Converse with residents/interrogate them for clues
– You may get kicked out if you ask a lot of wrong questions
– Many puzzles
– Again, the Last Window novel goes along with the main story: unlock more pages as you progress, learn more about the characters


This information comes from a recent podcast…

“Well, we got a really good one we would love to do which we are calling myChat, that would basically allow users to instant message or video conference or call each other through Nintendo Wi-Fi, but unfortunately, because Nintendo DSi isn’t classified as a communication device like the telephone, it is in a real grey area, so we had that to put on hold at the moment just because Nintendo aren’t yet ready. We thought it would be really cool, but we can’t go futher with that unfortunately.” – Nic Watt, Nnooo

I could see this type of download being very successful if it ended up on DSiWare. I do hope that Nnooo can resume work on this project sometime in the future.

Podcast here

Thanks to NintenDaan for the news tip!

Glory of Heracles boxart

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments


Famitsu has revealed that a third iteration in the Etrian Odyssey series is coming to the DS once again. It’ll be releasing on March 4, 2010 in Japan and will cost 6,279 yen. You can check out some of the first images from Famitsu below.

Famitsu review scores

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 8 Comments

Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) – 10/10/9/10
Need for Speed Nitro (Wii) – 7/6/7/7

This post will be updated shortly…

“With Twilight Princess, we challenged ourself to create the most vast and realistic world the series had ever seen, but we don’t feel that we were able to fully complete this objective. With that as a starting point for our improvements to the series in the future, we are of course working on a new game for Wii. For any game to be remembered for a long time, just like Ocarina of Time was, the game must give the strong impression that it has set a new starting point for future sequels to build upon. We are working to further improve upon the experiences found in Twilight Princess so that our future games can realize these innovations.” – Eiji Aonuma

It sounds like some elements from Twilight Princess will be carried over to Zelda Wii in some way, but I wouldn’t get too concerned about this quote if you’re thinking it will just be a rehash. It wasn’t too long ago that Aonuma said that the team is looking at ways to change the traditional structure that the series has been known for.


Unfortunately, not much is known about this title other than the information provided by the ESRB (see below)…

Platform: Nintendo DSi
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Rating: Everyone

Content descriptors: No Descriptors

Rating summary:

This is an activity game in which players can use a camera to take pictures of themselves. Players can then customize the pictures with a variety of stamps, photo effects, and text boxes.

I’d imagine that this will end up on DSiWare rather than in stores, but we’ll find out for sure soon enough.


Bundling software with DSi systems isn’t a new thing for Nintendo. In fact, the company ran a promotion on black Friday, in which five DSiWare Mario came pre-installed. In China, however, gamers will get a taste of a full retail title, Nintendogs. The only thing is that, for now, it isn’t clear if the full game or a sampling will be featured. The DSi, under the brand name iQue, will be launching in China on December 15.


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