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Like many indie studios, Little Inferno developer Tomorrow Corporation is interested in working on the Wii U in the future.

Tomorrow Corp’s Kyle Gray said in a recent interview:

“We’re definitely interested in working on the Wii U again, but that really depends on the next game itself. It’s going to be pretty difficult to top the weirdness of Little Inferno, but we’re all excited to see what’s next!”


Japan has been getting classic Mega Man 3DS eShop titles on a regular basis. That hasn’t been the same in North America, but Capcom finally confirmed that the NES title will arrive starting on December 27 and throughout 2013.

Capcom senior community manager Brett Elston was recently about the hurdles in releasing the Mega Man games on the North American eShop. Ultimately, the delay came about since Capcom wanted to have the retro titles lined up for Mega Man’s 25th anniversary.

“Now that we’ve announced the release date of these titles (starting with MM1 on 12/27), we’ll come clean and say most of those ‘hurdles’ were getting everything lined up for the anniversary period. We wanted to have MM1 arrive as close to 12/17 as possible, which required close coordination with Nintendo.”

Elston also commented on whether he believes Mega Man could still find a home at retail. He noted that it is “entirely possible we’ll find an idea or concept that warrants a full disc release, but for the immediate future, digital feels like the right way to experience Mega Man.”

“It’s entirely possible we’ll find an idea or concept that warrants a full disc release, but for the immediate future, digital feels like the right way to experience Mega Man. What form it takes, and which platform(s) it appears on, would need to suit the game and the intended audience. That said, the perceived quality of a digital title should be quite strong these days; just because something arrives via download and not in a box doesn’t mean it’s ‘lesser’ in some way.”


GamesMaster’s full interview with Shigeru Miyamoto has been posted online. We previously posted quotes regarding the possibility of abandoned GameCube-GBA link ideas being realized on Wii U, and origins of Pikmin.

Check out the full interview transcript below. Miyamoto addressed the importance of online, creating a social network, his future and changing role at Nintendo, and more.

Capcom kicked off Mega Man’s 25th anniversary by releasing Street Fighter X Mega Man and confirming classic games for the 3DS eShop in North America and Europe.

Fans may be wondering: is anything else planned for the 3DS? Senior community manager Brett Elston was recently asked if the company has any plans to offer something more beyond Virtual Console games on the eShop – specifically a 3D Classic.

“A great idea, and one I’ve brought up before. It’s just something both Capcom Japan and Nintendo would have to collaborate on. Never say never, but no official word at the moment.”

Capcom senior VP Christian Svensson also commented on additional Wii VC releases and “3DS stuff” on the official boards:

“I’m not sure if there’s any more Wii VC projects in the works at all with our online group at this point. I will say that they’ve at times just popped out of no where in the past so my lack of knowledge shouldn’t be taken as gospel. These projects [sic] aren’t on our usual product roadmap. I’m hoping the group is looking at 3DS stuff though. We’ve made some requests for a few things to be explored based upon feedback here. We’ll see what happens.

Source 1, Source 2

Austin edit: Though Treyarch didn’t release patch notes, things that I’ve noticed include the following:

– Weapon balance fixes
– Return of the “Cursor Sensitivity” and “Cursor Speed” options for Wii Remote players
– Multi-Team, Mercenary Moshpit modes added

Call of Duty: Black Ops II has been patched on Wii U. Activision and Treyarch sent out an update around a day or so ago. Players should be able to access the 106MB download now.

Thanks to Alfalfa for the tip.

Have you visited Miiverse lately? If so, perhaps you’ve noticed that New Super Mario Bros. U director Masataka Takemoto has posted a gameplay video from his Wii U game. You can watch the footage directly on the Miiverse app or through YouTube on the Wii U Internet browser.

This is notable since it confirms that Miiverse can technically display videos. Right now, though, the feature only appears to be available for Nintendo staff. How neat would it be if others could post YouTube videos to Miiverse?

The 3DS has sold over 9 million units in Japan, sales tracker Media Create has announced. Including sales of the XL model, Nintendo’s portable has accumulated a total of 9,118,000 units.

Media Create also has an update on Wii U. After selling another 127,000 systems between December 10 and December 16, the console has sold roughly 435,000 units in Japan.

Wii U is selling similar to the Wii thus far. Through its first two weeks, Wii moved roughly 436,000 consoles.

A year ago, one Zelda fan suggested that Nintendo’s legendary series should be turned into a LEGO set. “MINGLES” set up a page on LEGO CUUSOO, which eventually gained 10,000 votes of support.

That milestone led to an official review from LEGO. But, unfortunately, the project has been denied despite the large amount of support.

Simply put, it’s a business decision. It was explained that “multiple new element molds would be required to create the minifigures for such a product, and the expense of these molds means that the Legend of Zelda project unfortunately does not pass the LEGO Review on the basis of the business case.”

The full official statement:

Purchasing mature content from the European Wii U eShop is… inconvenient. Currently, consumers can only buy such titles between 11 PM and 3 AM due to a law originating from Germany.

But in its latest podcast, ONM claims that a fix is in the works. If true, one would think that Wii U users wouldn’t be as limited when it comes to mature content on the eShop.

Take this update with a grain of salt until Nintendo of Europe makes an official comment.

Source, Via 1, Via 2

Retro City Rampage’s WiiWare has finally been “dated” for January. Within the next month or so, gamers will be able to download VBlank’s open world adventure title from the Wii Shop Channel.

If/when we receive a specific date, we’ll let you know.


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