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One fan recently asked RARE on Twitter about the possibility of a Banjo-Kazooie remake – you know, something like Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. Such a project isn’t likely based on the company’s response, but RARE did say that “anything’s possible”.

Even if a Banjo-Kazooie remake probably won’t be happening, is it something you’d like to see?


The Wii U could have gotten Crysis 3. Developer Crytek managed to have the shooter running on the console, and CEO Cevat Yerli went as far as to say that the studio was “very close to launching it.”

So what was the stumbling block? Yerli noted that “there was a lack of business support between Nintendo and EA”. Crysis 3 was eventually canned on Wii U since Crytek isn’t in a position to publish games.

“We did have Crysis 3 running on the Wii U. We were very close to launching it. But there was a lack of business support between Nintendo and EA on that. Since we as a company couldn’t launch on the Wii U ourselves — we don’t have a publishing license — Crysis 3 on Wii U had to die.”


A listing on the 3DS eShop has revealed a price point for the upcoming 3DS eShop game, HarmoKnight. The digital store indicates that GameFreak’s digital download will cost $14.99. Rather pricey compared to some of the eShop’s other releases, but the title seems fairly meaty.

You can see the price’s listing on the eShop by visiting the “Future Releases” section. Other games such as Mega Man 3, Legend of the River King, and Harvest Moon are featured in the same area.

Gaijin Games has prepared a patch for Runner2 – currently in the hands of Nintendo – that will fix lock-up issues. But that’s not all: the update will address other bugs and fixes as well.

Here’s the full lowdown:

  • At the start of the game, when it asks you if you want to log in, we’ve added some feedback so it doesn’t look like the game is hanging.
  • The leaderboards will only save your highest score, as expected, instead of your most recent score, which it does now.
  • If you lose your internet connection during play, we’ve allowed you to reconnect by going to the leaderboards menu.
  • We’ve fixed false score reporting for in-game Rewards.
  • We’ve fixed an issue with the level start mini-leaderboard telling you you’re offline when you’re actually online. It will populate this list with global scores if you don’t have any friends who have played the game yet.
  • We’ve fixed an issue in the settings menu that resets your settings every time you enter the menu.

Regarding the freezing problems players have been experiencing, Gaijin said that it “never experienced this issue on our devkits, during development, so it seems that this is an issue that only occurs on retail Wii Us. This makes it super gnarly to debug. It might not even be our bug. But we have tried to fix it.”


Update: Turns out this is fake, guys. Seems that Hall does not exist given the photo found here.

Independent game developer Calvin Hall has published a new blog post about apparent Wii U-related rumblings from the D.I.C.E. Summit last month.

Hall echoes some of the previous talk we’ve heard – mainly that developers are saying Wii U projects “were being cancelled left and right”, including “a big multi-console project” from EA.

One Activision staffer allegedly said the following about sales disappointment for Call of Duty: Black Ops II and ports on Wii U:

“Activision didn’t expect much from Wii U sales of Black Ops 2, but they sure didn’t expect it to be that abysmal. Activision gave Wii U owners the best version of Blops 2 with Off TV features, and Nintendo fans didn’t support it. It’s easy for Nintendo fans to trash publishers for not giving them ports, but publishers have wisened up. They realize Nintendo fans are all talk. Nintendo fans are vocal with their mouths, but when it’s time to open their wallets, they’ll spend that $60 on New Super Mario Bros instead.”

The same employee said the following when asked about the thoughts of fellow employees he knows of from other publishers:

“There’s just no enthusiasm for it. The only reason publishers are still going to bring games to Wii U is because they don’t want to damage their relationship with Nintendo.”

Assuming these quotes are true, keep in mind that they don’t represent Activision’s feelings as a whole.

Source, Via

If you’re a game developer who is solely (or majority) owned by folks who are not Japanese, Nintendo says you’re going to have to partner up with a Japanese company if you want to release your game in that region on one of their consoles. It’s an interesting rule to have in place, and one that doesn’t affect too many publishers– but indie developers get hit pretty hard when trying to bring their games overseas.

Various developers have chimed in on the subject below:

“Unless you own a Japanese company, you are required to partner with a Japanese company. This results in shared royalties, which is not ideal. Not all developers are willing to go through the hassle of releasing their games in Japan, which reduces the number of games available in that market.”

– Renegade Kid’s Jools Watsham

“Our opinion on the rule you talk about is honestly moot. We have no desire to tell others how to do their business, and if they require 51% of publisher’s stocks to be Japanese owned, we’ll work around that if we want to release in Japan; and will find a publisher who meets that criteria.

“Do we wish we could self-publish in Japan? Certainly. But we trust that they have their reasons for the above rule, and we will do our best to get our games to eager Japanese fans, whatever it takes.”

– Gaijin Games

“I think Toki Tori 2 is interesting for the Japanese market, but as I said before we have to find a good publisher first.”

– Two Tribe’s Shan Poon


Super Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai is dealing with a lot of pain at the moment. In this week’s Famitsu, he revealed outright that he is suffering from calcific tendonitis and several ruptures in the muscles. The pain itself is bad enough, but it’s also affecting his work on the next Smash Bros. games.

Sakurai does have a Twitter account and fans from all over the world have been writing in and wishing him well. He’s been keeping tabs on the various messages, but told everyone that they shouldn’t worry about his injury or the development of Smash Bros.


Capcom just released an app in Japan that makes it possible to play the 3DS version of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate online. Users download a tool onto a Wii U console, which is connected online through a Wii LAN Adapter or Wii U LAN adapter, and join up with others. Basically, the Wii U acts as a middleman – except it’s a machine.

Thankfully, Nintendo has confirmed that the tool will be made available in Europe. Gamers will be able to add an app to the Wii U known as the “Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Packet Relay Tools for Nintendo 3DS” at launch. It will be free to all system owners.

A statement from Nintendo reads:

Shin’en has opened an official website for Jett Rocket II. Access it here. The site contains the game’s first screenshots, which we’ve posted in the gallery above.

Runner2 players on Wii U have been experiencing lock-up issues. Specifically, when attempting to exit the game, the console simply freezes.

Gaijin is thankfully aware of the problem. Better yet, the studio confirmed on Twitter that a patch is “already in Nintendo’s hands.”

Runner2 is available through the Wii U eShop for $15. It’s worth your money, folks!


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