Rumor: Some concerns that Wii U launch stock will be limited in the UK
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments
CVG, which claims to have been in contact with a host of different sources, is writing that Nintendo may not have enough stock of Wii U units in the UK to meet demand from pre-orders.
The company will allegedly have only 25,000 units available at launch. One retail source said that the figure was “in line with our estimates”.
But not so fast. A third source at a separate UK retail chain said that shipment expectations were at “anything between 75,000 and 100,000 units during the launch period”.
“What we don’t know is whether this allocation will arrive on day one or be distributed across a number of weeks.”
Nintendo publishing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate in Australia?
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments

A rating for the 3DS version of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate popped up on the OFLC ratings board today. Interestingly, it lists Nintendo as the game’s publisher.
If that’s accurate, the company could be distributing it in Europe as well. Nintendo may also choose to publish the Wii U version of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate in Australia/Europe.
Nintendo of Europe site lists January 2013 release for Ninja Gaiden 3
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge is a launch title in North America, but it looks like it could be missing out for the console’s release in Europe. At the moment, Nintendo of Europe’s site is listing a January 11, 2013 launch for Razor’s Edge.
If this date changes (or sticks), we’ll be sure to let you know.
Rumor: Tezuka taking over as EAD General Manger, new Miyamoto division, Iwata changes
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Rumors | 0 comments
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata is purportedly planning a number of changes inside the company that will begin to take effect over the next few months.
Perhaps biggest of all is that Shigeru Miyamoto will be stepping down as EAD General Manager in December. Takashi Tezuka, who has worked on Mario and Zelda games (among other titles) for the past thirty years, will take over the role.
Miyamoto won’t be leaving Nintendo. He’ll instead form a new team that will work on smaller projects – something that’s been talked about before.
There are other notable upcoming changes, including a shift in Kyoto development sources, the possibility of Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai joining EAD Tokyo (Super Mario Galaxy 1/2, Mario 3D Land), and more.
Here are the full list of changes in full (via Guardian UK, Nikkei, Wired):
2013 Expected Iwata Changes
+ Major shift in Kyoto development sources involving 3 R&D buildings
+ Shigeru Miyamoto stepping down as EAD General Manager
+ Takash Tezuka becoming new EAD General Manager
+ New Groups / New Producers announced for EAD Kyoto / SPD Kyoto
+ EAD Tokyo Expansion / Masahiro Sakurai Possibly Joining EAD Tokyo
+ New Division lead by Miyamoto with younger staff focused on smaller scale games
+ Miyamoto’s Departure Inspiring New IPs for the EAD Kyoto Division
ZombiU launching on November 13?
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments

In the ZombiU trailer we posted today, the final image of the video indicates that the game will be launching on November 13. That’s a bit odd given that the Wii U won’t be out until November 18.
I suppose this doesn’t matter too much. You will, after all, need a Wii U in order to play ZombiU. But it is definitely interesting that Ubisoft could be shipping the first title before the system hits store shelves.
Thanks to Einstein for the tip.
Nintendo rep says Wii U is 19 times more powerful than PS3
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments
Here’s something that’s sure to receive a ton of attention. While speaking with Total Revue at the Eurogamer Expo, a Nintendo representative apparently told the site that Wii U is “19 times more powerful than PS3”.
There are two things to point out here. First, this is a representative we’re talking about here – how much does he/she really know? Second – did Nintendo actually conduct a test to come up with that claim?
Something tells me that this statement will end up being blown out of proportion…
Sony suing Bridgestone over Kevin Butler’s Wii-related commercial?
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Rumors, Wii | 0 comments
Update: By the look of things, a formal hearing is set for October 12. While there were attempts to settle things privately, though that didn’t work out. Thanks to Nimblest-Assassin for the heads up.
Things are getting really weird with Bridgestone’s recent Wii-related commercial.
It all started when Kevin Butler was spotted in the company’s “Game On” promotion featuring the Wii. It didn’t take long for an updated TV spot to be released, this time featuring a new actor – and not Kevin Butler.
The latest twist in this saga is that Sony appears to be suing Bridgestone and Wildcat Creek, Inc. for the commercial. Ironically enough, it seems Bridgestone hired the Wildcat advertising company for the promo, and Kevin Butler – otherwise known as Jerry Lambert – is its president.
Sony filed against the two parties around a month ago. Documents reveal that the case is centered around trademark infringement. We don’t have the exact details on the situation yet, but one would think that Sony wasn’t happy that Lambert was in the commercial.
Retro Gamer says GameCube titles are coming to the Wii U VC
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments

It would make perfect sense for GameCube games to be made available through the Wii U Virtual Console. The Wii featured Nintendo’s past library up through the N64, so moving on to the GCN would be the next logical step.
UK magazine Retro Gamer says this will indeed be happening. In its latest issue, an article contains the following blurb:
“Backwards compatibility with Wii will be included but you’ll no longer be able to play GameCube titles. They’ll be on the Virtual Console store instead.”
I personally don’t think we should be putting too much stock into this. While there’s a very, very strong possibility of GameCube games arriving on Wii U digitally, Retro Gamer’s words shouldn’t be taken as a confirmation.
Rumor: NoE press site update leads to speculation that GBA VC games are heading to 3DS
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors | 0 comments

The image you see above comes from one of Nintendo of Europe’s press sites. Three boxarts for Game Boy Advance titles were added in today, sparking speculation that the 3DS Virtual Console could be adding the GBA platform to its library.
This could very well be nothing more than a random update on NoE’s part. On the other hand, there is a Nintendo Direct coming up in a few days…
Rumor: Glory Days III heading to the 3DS eShop
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors | 0 comments

Glory Days has been around since the Game Boy Advance era. The series also appeared on the DS, DSiWare, and it looks like it’ll be hitting the 3DS eShop as well.
The image above, taken from Odenis Studio’s website, indicates that Glory Days III will arrive on the digital store next year. We can barely make out the title at the top of the page, but that does indeed to be what the text says.
Let’s hope we receive some news about this soon…
Thanks to Buck for the tip.