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Commentary from three former Rare developers can be found below. Designer Chris Seavor and programmers Shawn Pile and Chris Marlow comment on the game, Rare’s culture, and more.


I’m not going to lie: this may go down as the dumbest and possibly worst-produced thing I’ve ever posted on Nintendo Everything.

But now that we’re a little over a week removed from the latest Nintendo Direct and the E3 presentation hype is in full swing, I thought it’d be fun to take a look back at the May 17th broadcast.

This originally started out as a plain summary, but that changed a bit (okay, a lot) as I continued working on the video. So it’s “kind of” a summary. Or something.

Watch it and let me know what you think. This was my first attempt at anything video-related ever. Hopefully it wasn’t too terrible!

Splinter Cell: Blacklist was on display at the MCM London Comic Con just a few days ago. Art director Scott Lee hosted a stage demo at the event and shared some information about the game.

Videos and details from the stage show can be found below:

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