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I’m pretty certain this trailer is identical to the launch trailer we posted a few days ago. The only difference I see is an additional five seconds added in showing off the Commemorative Golden Coins Club Nintendo reward.

No low-quality/frame-rate issues in the videos below!

Quality is low due to the nature of the live-stream. We’ll try to improve this for you…

Super Mario Kart just got more realistic. One fan has combined an exercise bike with an Arduino microcontroller, sensors, and switches into a comparable SNES controller.

According to YouTube uploader “statuswoe”:

“Peddling at a certain rate holds down the A button to accelerate, left and right are buttons on the handlebars and there is a red button in the middle of the handlebars for using special items.”

I could imagine this becoming tiring after a short while, but it’s certainly a unique way to play Super Mario Kart.

Thanks to Jim and ericyo for the tip!

Guess next week’s Nintendo Show 3D episode will be focusing on PAX East…

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