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This video was posted a few months back, but it wasn’t really noticed until recently. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of this title at E3!

Thanks to Jake for the tip!

As nice as this video is, it’s a shame that we can’t see who specifically made each Flipnote…

Who else all but forget about this WiiWare title? It was briefly “announced” almost two years ago, and then we never heard about it again. I’m wondering if it’s still in development…

At one point, it did seem as though Nintendo had plans to make a direct sequel to Super Mario 64. This project, unfortunately, never saw the light of day.

…And that’s where Super Mario Star Road comes in. Sure, it’s not made by Nintendo, but it’s the only Super Mario 64 sequel we’ll probably ever see. It features more than 120 stars, over 30 areas, lots of new music, and more.

You can find download links and more details about the project in the video description here.

Video quality is much better than the first Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D demo video we posted a few days ago!


Myst 3D debut trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Okay, I’m a little bit confused here. Am I going crazy, or is most of the action taking place on the touch screen? If this is the case, then I don’t really see a need for this game – it’ll end up being very similar to the DS version!

So, will Nintendo of America/Europe follow up with a similar message?


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