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Majesco has announced a new release date for Nano Assault. The shooter is now scheduled for December 5.

All things considered, that wasn’t too long of a delay – it was pushed back for around two weeks. It’s going to face some heavy competition going up against Mario Kart 7, though.


Nintendo has reaaaaaaaaally been using their YouTube accounts lately, haven’t they?

There’s a well-known character in the Zelda franchise who makes an appearance in Skyward Sword. However, the character isn’t actually in the game… it’s more of an Easter egg I suppose! Have I confused you yet?

All of this vagueness is probably bugging you, so I’ll just stop talking now. You can find out who this mystery character is after the break.

Nintendo continues to celebrate Zelda’s 25th anniversary with the following video. The Big N made a Hyrulian inspired room in honor the series’ big birthday. I sort of wish my room looked like this!

Mutant Mudds trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

A new Mutant Mudds trailer has been added to a subpage on the official North American Nintendo site. We’ve attached the video for your convenience above.

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