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Reggie Fils-Aime will be making an appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon tonight. He’ll be bringing The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword to the show, according to the Nintendo of America Twitter account.

“Catch tonight’s episode of Late Night with @JimmyFallon and #SkywardSword.”

Reggie will probably be asked about the Wii U as well, and he’ll probably say absolutely nothing.

In any case, you can catch Reggie on the show tonight at 12:35 AM.


Remember how Nintendo of Europe sneakily announced 3D Classics: Kirby’s Adventure? Well, now we have the first footage, courtesy of the 3DS eShop. Unfortunately, we still have yet to hear if this game will be released in North America/Japan. My gut says it will, but you never know…


Thanks to Pellican for the tip!

What’s changed in Super Mario 3D Land since the older 2D games? That’s what Nintendo shows in the video above.

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