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3DS eShop

If you’re interested in playing Shantae: Half-Genie Hero on a handheld, you’ll have to settle for the PlayStation Vita. The 3DS has all been ruled out as a viable platform for the new project.

WayForward’s Matt Bozon, speaking with 4 color rebellion, said that he along with the rest of his team “don’t expect to deliver on 3DS.” Bozon believes that the upcoming 3DS eShop release Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse “is the best possible fit for that system”.

“We have just announced adding Vita, and are approved to develop for Xbox One as well. We’re still looking into Linux & Mac. We don’t expect to deliver on 3DS. We feel that Pirate’s Curse is the best possible fit for that system, which is why it is an exclusive title.”


This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Titles
Brunch Panic – 500 yen
Nanami to Issho ni Manabo! English J?atsu no Kotsu (retail title) – 3,300 yen (from 09/12)
Nikoli no Sudoku 3D Dai-nish? – 8(tsu) no Puzzle de 1,000-mon – 2,800 yen (from 09/12)
Monster Hunter 4 (retail title) – 5,990 yen (from 09/14)
Tetsud? Nippon! Rosen Tabi Nagara-gawa Tetsud?-hen DEMO – FREE
Gardening Mama: Mama to Mori no Nakamatachi DEMO – FREE

Virtual Console
Joy Mecha Fight (Joy Mech Fight, Famicom) – 500 yen

Wii U

Downloadable Titles

Virtual Console
The Legend of Zelda 2: Link no B?ken (Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Famicom Disk System) – 500 yen
Akuma-j? Dracula (Super Castlevania IV, Super Famicom) – 800 yen


This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U retail

The Wonderful 101 – $59.99 (available September 15)

Wii U VC

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link – $4.99

eShop sales

Toki Tori 2+ – free update available, $8.99 until 9 a.m. PT on Sept. 19
Super Little Acorns 3D Turbo – $3.99 until 9 a.m. PT on Oct. 2
Bike Rider DX – $2.99 until 9 a.m. PT on Oct. 10


Tecmo Bowl – $4.99

3DS demo

Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl – available September 16


Letter Challenge – $2.99
Tales to Enjoy! Little Red Riding Hood – $1.99
Tales to Enjoy! Puss in Boots – $1.99

Source: Nintendo PR

A demo for Witch & Hero will be made available soon. According to a tweet from publisher Circle Entertainment, it has already been approved by Nintendo and is expected to launch in North America “soon”. The demo will also be coming to Europe sometime in the future.


Gory Detail’s Chris Seavor has given a look at Rusty Pup on Twitter. Seavor shared a couple of short Instagram clips showing the game in action. Take a look:

Two more Virtual Console games are apparently due out in North America tomorrow. Nintendo has listings for Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (Wii U VC) and Tecmo Bowl (3DS VC) up on its website with a September 12 release date. Both cost $4.99 each.


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