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3DS eShop

Dragon Buster will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Famicom download on March 20 for 500 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


Natsume has given Legend of the River King an official release date for the 3DS eShop. Fans will be able to download the classic Game Boy Color title from the North American eShop on March 28.

Natsume shared the release date news on its Twitter account yesterday through the following message:

It’s unclear when Legend of the River King will be available in other territories. Soon, hopefully!

Thanks to Richard E. for the tip.


Image & Form is working on a new title for the 3DS eShop known as “SteamWorld Dig”. It’s a “hardcore platform mining adventure” that sees players digging tunnels and collecting rare minerals that can be sold for improved equipment.

SteamWorld Dig is scheduled for a mid-2013 launch. Image & Form tells us that development will wrap up in April and will then be submitted to Nintendo. The studio is planning to have the game available in English and Japanese.

The official press release containing story details can be found below. Check out the gallery above for screenshots.

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U retail

LEGO City: Undercover (available March 18) – $49.99
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (available March 19) – $59.99
Need for Speed: Most Wanted U (available March 19) – $59.99
The Croods: Prehistoric Party! (available March 19) – $39.99

Wii U VC

Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream (available March 20) – 30 cents

Wii U demo

Chasing Aurora

3DS demo


3DS eShop sale

Ketzal’s Corridors – $4.99

3DS retail

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (available March 19) – $39.99
Rayman Origins
The Croods: Prehistoric Party! (available March 19) – $29.99


Mega Man 3 – $4.99


Forgotten Legions

3DS eShop coming soon

Flipnote Studio 3D – summer 2013 – free

Source: Nintendo PR

Level-5 released the first game in the Guild02 series of titles on the Japanese 3DS eShop today. Those who purchase the game and have access to the Guild01 releases can gain access to a small bonus of sorts.

When playing Monsters Come Out on Friday, if it detects any usage of Guild01 on the 3DS, players will be rewarded with a digital, mini art book. Pretty neat, aye?

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