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Spec: Hoshi boxart

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 0 comments




This week’s Famitsu reportedly has a first look at a few new 3DS titles. A-Train 3D, VitaminX Evolution Plus, and VitaminZ Revolution are all apparently featured.

Famitsu leaks typically don’t surface this early, so we’re a bit hesitant to call this official. Still, the fact that supposed shots of the magazine’s cover and index do make this seem very plausible. We should know in a few hours either way.



This month’s digital rewards on Club Nintendo have gone live. Members can choose from Zoda’s Revenge: StarTropics II (Wii, 150 coins), Pilotwings (Wii, 150 coins), Art Academy: First Semester (3DS, 150 coins), and Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again (3DS, 150 coins). These items last through October 6.

Visit this page to order a downloadable game.


Square Enix’s official TGS 2013 website is now live. The page confirms most of the games that we heard about previously, but with a couple of additions like Bravely Default: For the Sequel and Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure.

Square Enix will be hosting a number of live stage events for Dragon Quest X, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. A talk event with composers is also planned, featuring Kenji Ito, Yasunori Mitsuda, and Yoko Shimomura.


Nintendo will air a new Pokemon Direct for Pokemon X/Y tomorrow, the company has announced. President Satoru Iwata will be on hand to carry out the proceedings. According to a press email sent out by Nintendo, the presentation will “provide news on the Pokémon X and Pokémon Y games”.

To watch the new Pokemon Direct, tune in at 7 AM ET / 4 AM PT. We’ll have a stream right here on the site. You can also view the presentation on the official North American, European, or Japanese website.

Source: Nintendo PR

Metal Max 4 boxart

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 3 Comments


GamesMarkt’s latest issue contains a report on Europe’s best-selling games of 2013 in the first half of the year, courtesy of data collected by Media Control GfK International GmbH. Sales from a total of twenty countries including the UK, France, Spain, and Germany were taken into account.

Below are the results:


GamesMarkt also shared a listing of the top ten publishers based on software market share:

01. (=) Electronic Arts – 17,25% (-2,14%)
02. (?) Nintendo – 11,82% (+0,50%)
03. (?) Activision Blizzard – 11,51% (-1,79%)
04. (?) Sony CEE – 8,78% (+2,37%)
05. (?) Ubisoft – 8,54% (+0,67%)
06. (=) Take-Two Int. – 5,07% (+0,51%)
07. (?) Square Enix – 5,02% (k.v.m.)
08. (=) Namco Bandai – 4,22% (+0,60%)
09. (?) Microsoft – 4,11% (-0,18%)
10. (?) Warnet Interact. – 2,77% (k.vm.)


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