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Both of Nintendo’s latest systems are region-locked. The Wii U and 3DS are not capable of playing games outside of the country that the original hardware was purchased in. Want to play a Japanese-exclusive game on your US 3DS? Sorry, but you’re out of luck.

Nintendo’s region-locking policy has been in the news as of late, culminating with official comments from CEO Satoru Iwata. Iwata most-recently hinted that the company’s restriction isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

Now, how do developers feel about the situation? NotEnoughShaders caught up with thirteen different teams – including Renegade Kid, Shin’en, and Broken Rules – to find out what they think. You can find a few excerpts below, and even more right here.

Three new pieces of Shin Megami Tensei IV DLC are now available for purchase. A quick overview of each item can be found below.

Symbolic Equipment ($0.99)

– 3 Delivery Quests
– Each quest gives you an armour piece of the Freedom Armor

Underworld Money-Maker ($2.99)

– Challenge Quest
– Collect items with high resale value
– Unlock Beast Asterius for fusion

Death Has Its Applications ($2.99)

– Challenge Quest
– Collect bonus items that give you App Points
– Unlocks Fiend Plasma for Fusion


Players will be able to choose from nine different characters in One Piece: Unlimited World Red. For an overview of each, read on below.

Monkey D. Luffy

– Can use his usual stretchy punches and Gear Second techniques

Roronoa Zoro

– Weapon is his sword
– Has an “aggressive mode” skill
– This temporarily lowers his defense, but gives him a big power spike


– Useful as a support character and item gatherer since she can steal items from enemies


– Dishes out long range attacks and can pinpoint shots to snipe enemies from afar


– Has a rush attack that hits enemies
– Cooking skills can support his group


– Ship’s doctor
– Can restore characters HP and heal abnormal conditions

Nico Robin

– Archaeology knowledge can help in getting items from stone monuments on the map


– Powerful character
– Flash attacks including a rocket launcher and beam
– Can also pose in the middle of an attack to power it up


– Uses music to buff the party or make enemies fall alseep
– He can also walk on water so he can go places other characters cannot


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