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Level-5 has big expectations for Fantasy Life. Speaking with Famitsu this week, president and CEO Akihiro Hino said that he’d like to turn the series into a million-seller in Japan.

He said:

“For me, Fantasy Life is a title I’m really glad we were able to make. Development on it was difficult and time-consuming, but seeing it be appreciated by everyone gives us the confidence to try creating new things. I’d like to see Fantasy Life grow into a series we can sell a million copies of [in Japan]; I think it’s one of the bigger success stories in our drive to take on new challenges, so I’d like to have the courage to connect it to the next thing.”

Level-5 has previously expressed interest in pursuing Fantasy Life further. An update for the 3DS game, known as Fantasy Life Link, is coming to Japan in July.


Ex-Tetra – first scan

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 0 comments

GameStop has gone live with this week’s ad. I can’t say that there are too many highlights, but you can see what the retailer has to offer below.

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

3DS LL – 40,651
3DS – 14,059
PS3 – 13,318
Vita – 12,171
PSP – 5,749
Wii U – 5,648
Wii – 1,192
Xbox 360 – 382

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

3DS LL – 24,123
3DS – 13,001
PS3 – 10,948
Vita – 10,931
PSP – 6,524
Wii U – 6,037
Wii – 1,143
Xbox 360 – 349

The next entry in the Touch Detective series is in the works for the 3DS. This week’s Famitsu confirms that Touch Detective 3 will be released for Nintendo’s handheld system.

This is the Touch Detective game Success was teasing last week. A release is planned for 2013.

No details yet, but we should be getting information soon.

Ex-Tetra announced for 3DS

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

FuRyu is working on a new title for the 3DS and PlayStation Vita. Announced in this week’s issue of Famitsu, Ex-Tetra is a full-scale fantasy RPG.

Ex-Tetra is set in Amasia, where Tokyo has been fused with other portions of the world.

Tony Taka and Katsumi Enami are working on character designs. Yoko Shimomura is handling the game’s music. And finally, Claris is in charge of the theme song.

Ex-Tetra will be available in Japan on October 17.

Sonic Lost World isn’t just coming to the Wii U. SEGA is working on a 3DS version, too.

Today’s Sonic Lost trailer featured gameplay that was entirely from the Wii U game. We’ll need to wait a bit longer to see the 3DS title in action, but IGN’s Wii U hub does give a look at the game – in the form of an off-screen shot.

Take a look below:


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