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Famitsu has the first details about Devil Survivor 2: Break Record in this week’s issue. Details from the magazine are posted below.

– Out in Japan this summer
– Has full voice
– Anime sequences now have 3D effect
– Kou Yoshinari is directing the new anime sequences for the game
– New scenarios
– Unknown new female character
– Casual Mode included
– Can choose between the “Original Scenario” and “New Scenario” on the title screen
– Original scenario: same story as the original, now with new features and enhancements
– New scenario: takes place after the ending; features another invasion and the return of the Nicaea site
– Graphically similar to the DS game
– Action is shown on the touch screen, just like the original


This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge (PS3/360) – 9/9/8/7
Hatsukare * Renai Debut Sengen! (PSP) – 8/7/8/7
Farming Simulator 3D Pocket Farm (3DS) – 6/6/4/5

Quite a few users have reported that their systems have been more or less bricked following the latest 3DS upgrade. There’s a large thread on Nintendo’s technical forums about the problem, which results from an unexpected error during the update process. Those who encounter the issue have been unable to access the eShop or System Settings.

There is a fix, fortunately! When turning on the 3DS, hold down the “L”, “R”, and “A” buttons while also pressing the “Up” area on the d-pad. You’ll then be brought to a system update screen to complete the process.

The 3DS’ second Etrian Odyssey isn’t exactly a new game. According to Famitsu, Etrian Odyssey: Millenium Girl is actually a remake of the series’ first entry.

Millenium Girl will sport an expanded story scenario as well as voice acting. Shigeo Komori is directing, Yuji Himukai is working on character design while Shin Nagasawa is handling monster design, and Yuzo Koshiro is in charge of the game’s music. The voice cast thus far includes Kousuke Toriumi, Daisuke Ono, Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Mariya Ise, and Shizuka Ito.

Etrian Odyssey: Millenium Girl launches in Japan on June 27 for 6,279 yen.


Initial teases from Atlus suggested that a new Etrian Odyssey game would be revealed in this week’s Famitsu. Based on initial leaks, it appears that the magazine has unveiled “Etrian Odyssey: Millenium Girl”. Like Etrian Odyssey IV, Millenium Girl is in the works for the 3DS.

Information beyond a name and release date – it’s coming out in Japan on June 27 – have not yet surfaced. We’ll bring you details as we get them.

Capcom gave a look at some “unused” artwork from Resident Evil: Revelations on its blog today courtesy of tweets from the the game’s producers. Showcased is an alternative Jessica pose, a Jill sketch, and a rejected design for a Yacht gun. The full set of images is posted above.


Update: Harvest Moon deal is gone.

A few of the Ace Attorney games have apparently been re-printed. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, and Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney are all in stock on Amazon for $20. Justice for All is missing, unfortunately – it’s my personal favorite!

Amazon is also running a few discounts on Nintendo games. These include:

Scribblenauts Unlimited (3DS) – $19.99 (temporarily out of stock, can still place an order)
Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning – $19.99 (temporarily out of stock, can still place an order)
Assassin’s Creed III – $29.99
Scribblenauts Unlimited (Wii U) – $39.99

Update: Nintendo’s Japanese site has the details. Firmware 5.0.0-11 provides the following (translation via):

?Improves the convenience of the Nintendo eShop
You can now ‘Download Later’ via Spotpass while running the Nintendo eShop in sleep mode.
You can now download updates using ‘Download Later’.
?Support for Save Data Transfer Tool
?Improving System Stability and Convenience

Nintendo has prepared a new firmware update for the 3DS. Either the company’s servers or extremely slow or the file size is large – it’s taking a heck of a long time to download.

At the moment, it’s unknown what exactly the upgrade does. If we receive any details, we’ll have them right here.

Any in case you’re wondering: no firmware update for the Wii U at present.

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