Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate 3DS online multiplayer workaround confirmed for European launch
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U | 0 comments
Capcom just released an app in Japan that makes it possible to play the 3DS version of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate online. Users download a tool onto a Wii U console, which is connected online through a Wii LAN Adapter or Wii U LAN adapter, and join up with others. Basically, the Wii U acts as a middleman – except it’s a machine.
Thankfully, Nintendo has confirmed that the tool will be made available in Europe. Gamers will be able to add an app to the Wii U known as the “Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Packet Relay Tools for Nintendo 3DS” at launch. It will be free to all system owners.
A statement from Nintendo reads:
Tsujimoto on increasing Monster Hunter’s popularity overseas, localization time, won’t make changes just for the west, more
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U | 0 comments
Monster Hunter is one of the biggest gaming franchises in Japan. But much like Dragon Quest, its popularity has never reached similar levels overseas.
Capcom hopes that it will begin to change the situation with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. On Wii U, users will be able to play with others online. The Wii U and 3DS versions feature save transfers. And in Europe, a Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate bundles will be released.
According to Monster Hunter producer Ryozo Tsujimoto, these were all steps taken to enhance the series’ appeal in the west:
“You’re right in terms of us intentionally doing this. It’s always been our wish to make a good start and we’ve always been saying we’ll do this at one point. Monster Hunter in Japan started and developed in a very different way to how it’s been in Europe so far, Japan being a rather densely populated place with a quite prominent culture of visiting each other’s places to play games together. You see kids carrying their consoles taking them to their friends. They already had this basis of playing games through local network, whereas it’s a bit more difficult in the US and Europe where your neighbour is seven miles away. With Wii U, which is online compatible, and with 3DS with its portability, releasing both of them together, we’re giving opportunity and options to consumers to really pick up the version they want and the one that suits them. By doing that we might be able to actually have a breakthrough. That’s definitely our intention.”
Square Enix aware of Bravely Default interest overseas
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
The Bravely Default Twitter posted a new message today… partially in English!
It seems as though Square Enix is aware of interest from fans overseas. Here’s the message, which was posted in English through translation software:
“I accessed Twitter after a long absence. A voice of the foreign one arrives properly!”
A more accurate translation of the tweet reads:
“Logging into Twitter for the first time in a while. To the people broad: we hear what you’re saying!”
So Square Enix apparently knows that gamers in the west would like to see Bravely Default in English. In the case, care to get a move on with localization?
Lots of neat Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney art, including “Dark Layton”
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 0 comments
The last time we posted something from the Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney art book, we were treated to some interesting “Dark Phoenix” art. Now you can have a look at “Dark Layton” (picture 14) and a whole bunch of other neat stuff.
Thanks to Yoy11 for the tip.
Devil Survivor Overclocked enters manufacturing in Europe
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
European gamers have been waiting a long time to get their hands on Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked. In just a few months, the 3DS title will finally be released.
Ghostlight wrote up a new blog post today announcing that Devil Survivor Overclocked “has now entered manufacturing”. The publisher wasn’t able to reveal a final release date, but is “expecting to release the game across Europe towards the end of March in time for Easter.” A release date will be shared within the next couple of weeks.
Notion Games “would love” to bring Super Ubi Land to 3DS
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Super Ubi Land is in the works for a few different platforms such as the Wii U eShop. While it isn’t planned to hit the 3DS or PlayStation Vita, developer Notion Games “would love” to make that happen.
The one stumbling block is a lack of staffers. Currently, Notion Games’ Andrew Augustin doesn’t foresee a portable version happening due to a lack of resources.
According to Augustin:
“I would love to have Super Ubi Land on handheld devices like the Nintendo 3DS and Playstation Vita. I don’t have plans to bring them over because I haven’t found anyone to help port to those consoles. I really would like to find a programmer in the Austin, Texas area to help Notion Games and be a part of the team so we could bring our games to as many platforms as possible.”
Devil Summoners: Soul Hackers’ cut voicework is limited to map NPCs
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Atlus recently said that it cut down on Devil Summoners: Soul Hackers’ voicework “just a bit”. The publisher has since clarified that statement.
Almost all of the original voices have been recorded in English. The only exception pertains to map NPCs. Writing on the company’s official forums, Atlus noted that the decision was made to save time and costs.
“The voicework that was cut was the map NPCs. The reason we cut that was because the JP version used one voice for every type of person: every man had the same voice, every woman had the same voice. It was pretty ridiculous, since these are definitely not the same person. To save time (and, yes, costs for studio work and actors), and to improve the work as a whole, we took out that bit.”
PDP unveils ‘Disney Infinity’ figures for in-game use
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments

Following in the footsteps of Skylanders, Disney and PDP have unveiled the very first figurines for their upcoming NFC-based game Disney Infinity, shown above. There are four figures displayed (two from Monsters Inc., two from Cars) and a showcasing stand for them, but PDP says the stand will be able to house multiple toys, the power discs (to get them into the game) and other accessories as well.
Capcom’s PAX East lineup includes two unannounced games
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments
Capcom will be announcing two games at PAX East next month. The company plans to reveal both projects during the “World of Capcom” Panel.
A description of the event reads:
“Moderator Francis Mao (CAPCOM) leads a panel of Capcom’s producers and product managers to share the latest details on all the upcoming Capcom games such as Remember Me, Lost Planet 3, Resident Evil: Revelations, Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, two NEW product announcements, and more! Up to 1,000 fans will walk away with a free gift, so this is a panel you definitely do not want to miss!”
Capcom will host its panel on March 22 at 12 PM ET. As far as the expo itself is concerned, this will be taking place between March 22 and March 24.
I do wonder if either (or both) of these games are Wii U-related. Capcom recently teased news for the console that would be coming “in the not-so-distant future.”
Below is a listing of Capcom’s PAX East lineup:
- Remember Me
- Lost Planet 3
- Resident Evil: Revelations
- Darkstalkers Resurrection
- Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen
- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
- Capcom Arcade Cabinet
- Two new unannounced titles