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Amazon is offering a pre-order bonus for Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward. Place an early order with the retailer to receive a bracelet. The one you receive is from a set containing three colors – you’ll end up with either red, blue, or green.

At this time, the 3DS pre-order page doesn’t contain the offer. It should soon though since the image above clearly shows that the offer applies to the 3DS and Vita versions.

Keep track of this page for updates. It lists “PlayStation Vita (Nintendo 3DS)”, which is contradictory… so Amazon should be cleaning this up soon.


Denpa Ningen RPG, now known under its final English name as The “Denpa” Men: They Came By Wave, will be available on the North American eShop on September 27 for $6.99. Genius Sonority is publishing.

Game details are posted below.

Level-5’s next Inazuma Eleven game is due out in Japan in just a few months. The game is set for a December 13. It will be available for 5,800 yen.

A second trailer for Shin Megami Tensei IV will be published next week.

The video, which goes live on Monday, will offer a new look at the game. An extended, un-cut version of the trailer will be shown during the Tokyo Game Show next week.


Nicalis has delivered on its recent promise regarding a release date announcement for the 3DS eShop version of Cave Story.

The game is less than a month away. It’ll be up for download on October 4 with a $9.99 price tag.

The eShop game supports multi-layered 3D depth, 4:3 and widescreen views, two button configurations, and more challenges – Nemesis Challenge, Boss Rush, Curly Story, Hell Time Attack and Wind Fortress.


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