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Rhythm Hunter HarmoKnight is a big game. Well, at least in terms of download size.

The game launched in Japan today and it looks like it takes up over 2,000 blocks on an SD card. Indeed, that’s a ton of blocks. Believe it or not, it’s nearly as big as New Super Mario Bros. 2.

Source, Via

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

Vita – 50,070
3DSLL – 44,951
3DS – 29,342
PS3 – 12,433
PSP – 10,266
Wii – 8,680
PS2 – 1,098
Xbox 360 – 875
DSi LL – 803
DSi – 685

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

3DSLL – 41,901
3DS – 29,472
PS3 – 11,896
Vita – 10,880
PSP – 9,499
Wii – 8,810
PS2 – 1,157
DSi LL – 870
Xbox 360 – 863
DSi – 672

Below are a couple of games scheduled to hit the DS and 3DS shops on September 13. We’ll get the full list early next week.


Zelda II: The Adventure of Link – £4.50


Bookstore Dream – £1.80 / 200 points


This month’s Nintendo Gamer review scores are as follows:


Kirby’s Dream Collection: Special Edition – 79%


One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP2 – 27%

Yes, these really are the only two scores in the latest Nintendo Gamer. They did call it the “worst ever review section”, after all!

And with that, we say goodbye to Nintendo Gamer…

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Three more Project X Zone rival characters have been confirmed in this week’s Famitsu. God Eater Burst’s Vajra, Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier’s Phantom, and Resident Evil’s Nemesis T-Type will be in the game.


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