Animal Crossing: Jump Out details
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Famitsu has a brand new report on Animal Crossing: Jump out this week. We’ve started to translate some of the details below. Keep checking back for more edits/information throughout the night.
– Now play as the mayor
– Roofs, doors, posts, fences appear to be customizable
– New furniture… including mermaid items
– New thrift shop from Lisa the alpaca
– Shoe store has been added
– As was previously confirmed, there is now a shopping mall
– This lies beyond the train tracks
Able Sisters (open 10:00 – 21:00)
– Familiar clothes shop
Museum (open 24 hours)
– Similar to previous entries
– Increase in the types of fish and fossils
– Exhibition Room included
– Museum Shop included
Gardening store (open 9:00 to 20:00)
– Seems to be run by a sloth
– First time a gardening store is in Animal Crossing
– Purchase flower seeds and tree seedlings
Raccoon housing (open 10:00 to 20:00)
– Tom Nook seems to be managing this aspect
– Take an early tent and gradually customize it into a large house
– Handle parts which decide the appearance of the house
Miscellaneous goods store (open 8:00 – 20:00)
AKB48+Me dated for Japan
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Famitsu has a release date for AKB48+Me this week. The title was announced during a Japanese Nintendo Direct in June.
According to Famitsu, AKB48+Me is due out on October 25. It will be available for 5,670 yen.
How long it takes to download New Super Mario Bros. 2
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Update: Another test from IGN came in at only 13 minutes. That’s a pretty big difference. Hmm…
Downloading New Super Mario Bros. 2 from the eShop may clock in at close to an hour for most. An initial test done with a US region 3DS and a US game code took 46 minutes to complete.
All things considered, this isn’t a horrible download time. New Super Mario Bros. is 2,725 blocks, which translates to 340MB. Downloading that kind of file size does take time!
A few more Bravely Default details, fifth demo confirmed
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Earlier today, Square Enix held a Japanese presentation for Bravely Default over at Nico Nico Live. The company shared a few new details during the event.
The information is as follows:
– Can skip animations for summon spells
– New jobs: Valkyrie, Ninja and Summoner
– Different ways to recover your BP in the game
– Hit count during attacks is determined by your job’s level
Square Enix was able to confirm that a fifth, final demo will be made available. Some elements acquired in the trial can be brought over to the retail build.
LTD, YTD hardware sales in the U.S. (NPD)
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
The life-to-date and year-to-date information below is based on data collected from the NPD Group through June 2012. Additional hardware sales will be provided on Thursday via the July report.
DS – 51,786,649
360 – 34,384,373
PS3 – 21,357,121
Wii – 39,497,294
3DS – 5,137,741
Vita – 638,400
DS – 648,641
360 – 1,720,000
PS3 – 1,379,200
Wii – 812,800
3DS – 1,051,741
Vita – 638,400
Thanks to Eru for the tip.
NSMB2 stats: Over 10 billion coins collected, 242 players reach 1 million
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

In less than two weeks since its release, New Super Mario Bros. 2 players have amassed over one billion coins. The latest count puts the title’s collective total at 10,537,297,374 coins.
New Super Mario Bros. 2 came out in Japan on July 28. Since then, 242 players have obtained one million coins.
Mario’s latest outing launches in Europe on August 17 and in North America on August 19.
Sakurai on controls for next Smash Bros., keeping the experience new, third-party characters
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments
Masahiro Sakurai has let loose on a few vague details on the next Super Smash Bros. games.
First, Sakurai quickly talked about the game’s controls, teasing that the team “will look into ways that fits the Wii U.”
“The GameCube controller is not the only way to control Smash Bros., so we will look into ways that fits the Wii U.”
Sakurai also touched on change for the series. He’d prefer not to add in gimmicks in order to make the next entries different from previous games. At the same time, he hopes to “introduce a slightly different, fun experience all the while keeping the usual frantic game play.”
“The game system itself is complete, so we don’t want to make it 3D or introduce complicated controls just for the sake of it. However, I am thinking of ways we can introduce a slightly different, fun experience all the while keeping the usual frantic game play.”
Finally, Sakurai discussed third-party characters. He believes Snake and Sonic were “fantastic” additions in Brawl, and seems to be overall open to the idea of bringing in characters from other companies. However, Sakurai did note that he must “narrow it down” since “introducing more non-Nintendo characters willy-nilly will lose the focus of the game”.
“I think Snake and Sonic joining were fantastic. It made many fans happy, and it broadened the Smash Bros arena. However, introducing more non-Nintendo characters willy-nilly will lose the focus of the game, so I also recognise the need to narrow it down.”
Japan gets two new Kid Icarus: Uprising AR card packs
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Two new AR card packs for Kid Icarus: Uprising are now available in Japan. Each can be purchased for 263 yen.
The packs are being sold only through Nintendo’s online store starting today.
Pokedex 3D Pro hits Europe on November 8
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Update: One more tidbit: Pokemon Dream Radar arrives on October 12.
Pokedex 3D Pro will be available in Europe on November 8. The original Pokedex 3D Pro will be removed from the eShop on October 11.
Last week, Nintendo also dated Pokedex 3D Pro for a November 8 launch in North America.
Source: Nintendo PR