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Namco Bandai is working on a game based on the Grandpa Danger manga. A teaser trailer – shown above – was released not too long ago. You can find the title’s website here.

A new Dragon Ball game may be in the works for the 3DS. GAME UK lists “Dragonball 3D” for Nintendo’s handheld.

The retailer offers a very short description of the title. GAME UK states:

“Dragon Ball kicks into 3D with all new features and gameplay designed for the Nintendo 3DS hardware.”

Thus far, Dragon Ball hasn’t made it onto the 3DS. But given how many games made it out on the system’s predecessor, it’s only a matter of time before we see the franchise on the handheld.

Source, Via

Which batter lasts longer? The PlayStation Vita, 3DS, or 3DS XL?


Another small update has graced the official Shin Megami Tensei IV site. There’s new music and a brief developer message.

Team Maniacs’ Kazuyuki Yamai relayed trailer impressions from Atlus staff, who responded to the first video with comments such as “It’s Megaten!”, “Whoa!” and “Show more!”

He added that fans should look forward to Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers, which comes out in Japan later next month. Shin Megami Tensei IV’s debut trailer is included on the cartridge.

Source, Via

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