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Even though Gamescom isn’t taking place for another couple of months, Konami has already gone ahead and announced its lineup for this year’s show.

We’ve posted the full list of games below. For the official announcement, head past the break.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
PES 2013
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate


Live in the UK? If so, you may want to head over to Games Britannia on July 7/8 for a demo of New Super Mario Bros. 2.

Nintendo says that this is the first time the game will be playable in the UK.

For more information, head past the break.

The North American eShop has been receiving demos on a regular basis. Within the past month, trials for LEGO Batman 2, The Amazing Spider-Man, Order Up!! Kingdom Hearts 3D, and Rhythm Thief have arrived on the store.

Next week, the North American eShop will be getting yet another demo. n-Space has confirmed that a sampling of Heroes of Ruin will be made available on July 5. It should be included in NOA’s Nintendo Download report next week.


Not a shabby week for Nintendo Downloads! Two great titles for the eShop, a demo, and a pretty good sale for this week’s “Game of the Weekend”.

This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo eShop
Marvel Pinball 3D – Marvel Pinball 3D is the ultimate superhero pinball experience, featuring original tables based on legendary characters from the Marvel universe, including Iron Man, Captain America and the Fantastic Four. (For Nintendo 3DS™)

Bomb Monkey™ – Blok Bombing is a fine and ancient sport invented by a small, creative troop of primates called Bomb Monkeys. The goal is simple: do not allow the bloks rising from the jungle floor to knock you from your perch. (For Nintendo 3DS)

Nintendo previously announced that Pokemon Black/White 2 would be available in North America Europe this fall. Today, the company has shared a final release date.

Pokemon Black/White 2 launches in the US on October 7 in North America and October 12 in Europe. The eShop app Pokemon Dream Radar will be up for download on the same day.

The official North American announcement has been posted below.

So, for all of you all mad because I didn’t really talk about ‘Bomb Monkey’ in my “review”, here’s some cool gameplay footage of it I took. I’m really bad at it and I’m sorry, but you can definitely get the gist and whether or not it’s your type of game. Also I apologize for the ads. I know they suck, but they help the site stay not-broken.


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