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Two more pieces of downloadable content will be making their way to Fire Emblem: Awakening next week. “Another Story: Infinite Divine Weapons” and “Another Story: King vs. King” will be up for purchase on May 24.

Completing Another Story: Infinite Divine Weapons will award players with a Silver Card which grants access to shop items for half price. It’ll be available for 300 yen.

The latter piece of DLC brings in Celice from Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu. It’ll cost 400 yen.


Nintendo Show 3D: May 17, 2012
Mario Tennis Open Launch Trailer
Rayman Origins Video
Kirby’s Block Ball Video
Chronicles of Vampires: The Awakening Video
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Hero Video

You can watch each of these videos in the “Recent Arrivals” section of the eShop.

On this week’s episode: Mario Tennis Open, short news bites, 3D Classics: Kid Icarus and Mario Kart 7 communities.

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