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Kojima Productions revealed on the latest episode of the KP Report that the company has obtained Nintendo’s 3DS Circle Pad attachment. This should put any and all speculation to rest that the add-on was created specifically for Monster Hunter Tri G.

Unfortunately, we don’t know how long the studio has had access to the peripheral. It also isn’t clear if Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D will take advantage of the accessory.

Below are some of the relevant comments from the podcast in which the Circle Pad peripheral was discussed:

“I saw it today in the office. I mean I’m sure it’ll enhance gameplay… it’s a little big.” – Christopher Johns

“It feels good I think… it feels good. It’s just it’s an add-on, so I think the only concern is how will that kind of split through the users. Because there are people who are gonna wanna just carry around a really portable 3DS and then maybe only the really hardcore guys want to play some FPSs on there or something will maybe want to get that attachment.” – Sean Eyeston

“I don’t know if people want to carry it around, right? That might be the tough part.” – Christopher Johns

“It is kind of big.” – Sean Eyeston

“I think it adds a new level to gameplay, so it’s definitely worth it.” – Christopher Johns

“Gameplay-wise I think it definitely adds a lot. It’s just size-wise and I guess aesthetics, right?” – Sean Eyeston

“For those who do play for long periods of time, I think that will win over a lot of people…” – Christine Kogure

– First game in the franchise that has Japanese voice acting in Asian territories
– Can choose English or Japanese voice acting (Asian copies)
– Chris voiced by Hiroki Tohchi
– Jill voiced by by Atsuko Yuya
– Limited TGS-only mini soundtrack available at TGS
– Resident Evil Miis such as Jill and Parker will be distributed
– Bring your 3DS to TGS to get the CD and Miis
– New character: Rachel
– Rachel information: “A mysterious woman who appears injured, clutching her arm… She wears the same kind of wetsuit as Jill, but are they on the same team? What fate awaits this woman on the ghost ship?”
– t-Abyss Virus information: “A marine virus derived from the t-Virus, even though Veltro is the only entity that possesses quantities of it, they have the ability to infect one-fifth of the world’s oceans with what they possess. Are the enemies Jill and her team have been encountering a result of the t-Abyss Virus?”
– Chapter-based progression system
– Striking cutscenes at the end of each chapter
– Gameplay experience akin to that of a TV drama series
– Movie will play at the beginning of each chapter summarizing what has happened up until that point in the game


Nintendo Week (9/8)

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, GameCube, Videos | 0 comments

On this week’s episode: Star Fox 64 3D, Let’s Golf! 3D, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Aliens: Infestation.

Nintendo 3DS Sales Up 260 Percent Following Price Reduction

Nintendo sold more than 235,000 Nintendo 3DS™ portable entertainment systems in the United States in August, and the system finished as the No. 2 best-selling dedicated game system for the month, according to the NPD Group, which tracks video game sales in the United States. About 185,000 units were sold following a price reduction on Aug. 12, an increase of more than 260 percent during the comparable 19-day time period in July.

“Consumers are responding very positively to the new suggested retail price of $169.99 for the Nintendo 3DS,” said Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “With Star Fox 64 3D and the new Flame Red color launching tomorrow, and Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 arriving later this year, Nintendo 3DS will offer consumers cutting-edge entertainment and tremendous value this holiday season.”

Other Nintendo milestones reached in August include:

  • Nintendo sold more than 590,000 total hardware units in August, including more than 190,000 Wii™ systems and more than 165,000 units of the Nintendo DS™ family.
  • For the third month in a row, the majority of the best-selling software SKUs play on Nintendo platforms. August featured five of the top 10 and 15 of the top 20.
  • So far in 2011, more than 50 million units of software have been sold for Nintendo platforms.
  • In total, 540 million units of software have been sold for the Wii system and Nintendo DS family of systems combined.
  • For more information about Nintendo, visit

Source: Nintendo PR

Thanks to Marc for the tip!

The following is an official response from Nintendo of America regarding the new 3DS circle pad accessory…

“We can confirm that Nintendo plans to release the Circle Pad attachment, but Nintendo’s regional subsidiaries will make further announcements about its availability at a later date.”

This statement is very similar to Nintendo of Europe’s comment. At least we know that there are plans to bring the accessory to all markets! Monday should make for an interesting night..


Senran Kagura commercial

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

You’ll be able to get a decent amount of coins just for completing these surveys. Game Boy Advance games will offer surveys as well when the titles go live later this year.

Access Club Nintendo here


This is kind of pointless now, isn’t it? You could tell pretty easily if you’re an Ambassador or not without this tool… Ah well!

If you bought your Nintendo 3DS system before August 12th, you can still register for the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Programme and receive 20 free games from September 1st onwards. To do this you will need either to have created a Friend Code and accessed the Internet before August 12th, OR be in possession of your receipt or proof of purchase for your Nintendo 3DS system.

Then, simply visit our new Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Programme Tool herewhere you can enter your data. Already registered but want to make sure? You can also check your status using the tool and for this you only need the serial number found on the back of your Nintendo 3DS system.

For more information on the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Programme, visit our dedicated webpage here.


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