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Update: Bumping this to the front page as we’ve added the first screenshots/art/trailer of the game.

Level-5 is currently hosting their annual “Vision” conference in Japan right now. One of the titles featured at the show is Time Travelers. The company finally confirmed which platform the game is in development for, and showed the first trailer. You can check out a few details about the project/the trailer below.

– For 3DS
– Jiro Ishii directing
– Level-5’s first “suspense” game
– Video shown of a girl standing on the train
– Lights flicker in and out, skeleton ghost guy shows up behind her
– He starts to count down, choose whether you wish to turn around or not
– Girl asks, “Why has it become like this?”
– The girl decides to turn out, numbers appear around her
– Girl appears to be transported into the future
– Modern looking buildings shown in the background, but they’ve been destroyed
– Trailer ends as the girl jumps off a building
– Story very important in the game
– This is Ishii’s first CG-based title (most likely means 3D polygonal characters)
– Ishii thinks the story won’t let fans down
– More news to be shared at a later date

Fantasy Life

– Making the jump to 3DS
– Yoshitaka Amano doing the art
– Nobuo Uematsu doing the music
– Co-developed by Brownie Brown

Kyaba Joppi

– Another 3DS title
– Hostess simulation game
– Was for cell phones via Roid
– Guest characters in the 3DS title
– Includes Lupin

Over the past several weeks, there have been rumblings of Level-5 and Capcom working together. Today, we know what the two companies have creating. Level-5 announced at their “Vision” event a short while ago that Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton will be starring in the same title, Professor vs. Gyakuten Saiban.

– Coming to 3DS
– Takumi Shu writing the scenario

– Game’s biggest feature is that it’s for the 3DS
– Story set one year after Layton meets Luke
– Young Layton will be shown in the game
– Theme song in the trailer done by Yuming (famous singer/songwriter in Japan)
– Everything was scrapped, started over midway through development
– Two timelines in the game: Present Professor Layton and Young Layton (college years)
– Puzzles supervised by Akira Tago.
– New puzzle to be distributed every day via Wi-Fi for the first year of the game’s release
– Theme song is “Mysterious Flower”
– Releasing Spring 2011 in Japan
– Everything in 3D, which includes the hand-drawn anime
– Animations are motion captured
– Town scenes are all in 3D, look around and people move
– Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino thinks players will be surprised even with the game’s opening video


Not exactly a surprise, but it’s nice to receive a confirmation!

Four of the Best for Nintendo 3DS

KONAMI brings new versions of classics titles to new Nintendo handheld in Europe, including Metal Gear Solid, Pro Evolution Soccer and Contra…

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced details of its first titles for the new Nintendo 3DSTM handheld system for release across Europe.


Kororinpa series
Deca Sports Extreme
Omega Five




This information comes from Mega Man Legends 3 producer Tatsuya Kitabayashi (via a translator), who was asked why the game is coming to the 3DS and not consoles…

“The 3DS has a lot of interesting elements to it, new features out there. I think it’s something we wanted to try making a game for. And I know we have a lot of games coming out for the 3DS, but this is one we thought would be really cool on the 3DS, and that’s why we decided to put it on the 3DS.”

At E3, it definitely seemed like Capcom would be one of the 3DS’ strongest supporters. With that said, I don’t think a lot of people thought that Mega Man Legends 3 would end up on the handheld. I have a feeling that some fans would have preferred to see the title on consoles instead, but I’m personally just glad it’s happening at all.

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