Kojima wants to release new MGS not too long after 3DS launch, models close to PS3, considering co-op, may/may not be director
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 9 Comments
This information comes from Hideo Kojima…
– Started working on the demo after Peace Walker was finished
– Kojima called some of his staff over, told them they’d make an E3 demo, and moved them to a seperate floor
– “Long Version” of the demo was created first, but Nintendo wanted it to be shorter so more people could play
– There was a long version at E3, but most people played the short version
– Demo based on Metal Gear Solid 3, with redone characters, backgrounds with high polygon models
– Kojima feels it’s necessary to release the game within one year of the 3DS’ launch
“It was a secret project, so even at Kojima Productions, aside from the people developing the demo, no one knew about it. Although, we did make it with the Peace Walker staff…The high level models are about the same quality as the stuff we made on the PlayStation 3, although it’s tough to see this. If we’d had a bit more time, we could have made something better…I was the director of the demo. What will happen from here on out is not set…What we wanted to do this time is show that we’re making an entry in the Metal Gear Solid franchise that can be enjoyed in goggle-free 3D on the 3DS. The reason we made it based off MGS3 is because there are many who played MGS for the first time through Peace Walker, so we though the timing would be just right. Everyone wants to know the story of The Boss. MGS3’s story can’t change, so we’re thinking of Co-ops, 3D and portable-like elements.”
Miyamoto says Nintendo considering Miis for 3DS, not worried about ports, strongly believes in Skyward Sword’s controls, much more
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii | 2 Comments
Miyamoto on how long the 3DS has been in development/what the process is like behind the scenes…
“Basically the way it works is – once we’ve finalised the design for a new hardware system and we’ve launched the hardware system, the hardware teams immediately begin research on what the next system will be. So it’s been – I don’t know how long – I guess about six years since we launched Nintendo DS, so they’ve been researching and experimenting with various things over the last six years, but it really finally started to take this shape that we see now about three years ago.”
Miyamoto on why this is the best time for Nintendo to introduce a new 3D system…
“Well, there were kind of two things that led to it. First of all, the LCD screen technology has really advanced quite a bit over the last few years, and that played a big part in it. The other is obviously – as you pointed out – we’ve experimented with 3D a lot over the years, and in all the experiments that we did, with the sole exception of the Virtual Boy, everything else that we worked on was really 3D as a peripheral or an accessory to an existing hardware system. And what’s unique about a portable gaming device is that because it’s both a gaming system and a monitor, both together in one device, there is no accessory. What that means is everybody who purchases the device is able to experience the 3D effect, so it was kind of this combination of us focusing in on the idea of a portable device as a 3D device, and the fact that the LCD screen technology had advanced to a point where it was finally going to be possible to do it.”
Play.com says their 3DS game launch dates were ‘an estimate’
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
Yesterday we told you about Play.com’s listed release date for a few 3DS titles, but today they’re telling us that those dates were just estimates. Talking to Eurogamer, Play said that they had heard estimates from companies, and simply went with those. What do you guys think? Is this a cover-up, or are we looking too far into it?
Game Critics Best of E3 2010 winners announced
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Best of Show
Nintendo 3DS
Best Hardware
Nintendo 3DS
Best Sports Game
(EA Canada/EA Sports for Wii)
Best Social/Casual Game
Rock Band 3
(Harmonix/MTV Games/Electronic Arts for PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii)
Kojima discusses Metal Gear Solid 3DS, mentions he only had 2 months to create the E3 demo
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
Update: Added in a more understandable translation (thanks FB32!)
This information comes from a rough Google translated interview with Hideo Kojima…
“A sample of the 3DS game we showed at E3 was actually an experiment which combined MGS with a handheld that offers 3D. I’ve only had two months to create it. And that’s one reason why we have called it “The Naked Sample.” Having said that, I can assure you that the 3DS will definitely have its own version of MGS, making the most of “naked eye” 3D technology. But for now, I can not tell you what the final title will be.”
This makes it sound like we’ll see Metal Gear Solid on the 3DS eventually. It’s just a matter of what form it’ll take. Although, considering Kojima hasn’t had much time to work with the system, I wouldn’t expect the title to make it out for the 3DS’ launch.
Some information about Metal Gear Solid 3DS
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 9 Comments
This information comes from the latest KP report…
– Game has lighting effects, shading, but the 3D boosts its graphical appeal
– Good feedback at E3
– What was shown at E3 was a sample
– Konami could still bring it to market, but can’t say one way or the other
– Comments will influence how Metal Gear turns out on 3DS, will help bring it out
– At the moment it’s based on Metal Gear Solid 3
– “Naked” for Naked Snake
– Other aspect for “naked” is for the naked eye, no glasses needed for the 3DS
– Kojima interested in hearing what people think about the game
Direct quote from KP Report host Sean Eyestone about Metal Gear Solid 3DS…
“Of course, I think we talked about the fact that it is a sample. So you know, not saying that we won’t bring it out in the future or anything like that. We can’t say one way or the other whether or not something like that will come out on the 3DS at this point. But what we did show at E3 was a sample of what we could do with the 3DS.”
Play.com says 3DS games will release this November
Posted on 14 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Rumors | 2 Comments
Here’s the next shot fired from the rumor gun: Play.com is reporting that a certain title (namely the 3DS DragonBall game) will release this November, specifically on the 19th. It is safe to assume that if a 3DS game is out, the system is already out as well in most cases. What is odd about this is that the site also has a listing for the Gundam 3DS game for a March 25, 2011 release date, which means we have two oddly specific release dates for some relatively obscure games. Chances are we’ll never really know the release date until Nintendo announces it themselves, but it’s fun to speculate!
Rayman Origins could hit Wii, 3DS
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 2 Comments
It’s been a number of years since we’ve seen Rayman in a classic platforming adventure. However, Ubisoft finally unveiled new, proper entry in the series at E3 last month. The good news is that, while the title has been confirmed for release on HD consoles, there’s a chance that the game could end up on the Wii, the 3DS, and other formats as well.
“Which format ?
HD Consoles for the end of the year
Wii, PC, iPad, 3DS to be considered.” – Rayman Origins blog post
News from WayForward – Batman: The Brave and the Bold details, 3DS, Shantae
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 1 Comment
– Much of the dev team worked on A Boy and His Blob
– Always co-op play
– AI controls 2nd character in single-player
– Second player can immediately join in
– On the DS, control Bat-Mite by drawing on the screen, disappears when you lift the stylus
– 4 episodes
– Around 2 hours for each episode
– Buy gadgets and character enhancements with coins
– WayForward probably won’t do the Contra 3DS title
– Shantae on Wii only exists as demos
– Shantae: Risky’s Revenge is the true sequel
Direct quotes from Miyamoto on Pikmin 3, nintendogs + cats, interests
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 2 Comments
The quotes below come directly from the Q&A session of Nintendo’s recent shareholder meeting…
Miyamoto on being busy with the 3DS…
“I get more ideas when I’m busy and with that meaning, this is an extremely good condition now.”
Miyamoto on Pikmin 3…
“Amongst the present promises, I have to finish Pikmin quickly, so production is progressing extremely well.”
Miyamoto on nintendogs + cats, when he said last year that he had a cat…
“For Nintendogs, which we announced at E3, cats will appear this time. Recently, I’ve been taking care of cats. I’m often asked about my interests, but the CEO has told me to if possible not speak about this as the theme of my next game would be known externally. About one year back, I started talking about cats, and right according to schedule, it was announced. We’ll soon be completing Nintendogs + Cats, which features cats.”
Miyamoto on his latest interests/new Nintendo character…
“Also, I’m still full of energy. Recently, I’ve been doing a lot of things — continuing to work hard at swimming, for instance, and also having exchanges with school kids, doing such things a serving on a neighborhood youth guidance committee. I think that next year I can probably deliver something new. I’m still active on the development scene, so please look forward to [my output]. It’s been nearly 10 years since I made the Pikmin character, so I feel this is the year where I must at long last make a new character. This is as far as I’ll answer today.”
Also worth noting, Miyamoto’s time with swimming recently as well as his position as a guidance counselor shouldn’t necessarily be taken too seriously. With the latest information we have from the Q&A session, these two interests shouldn’t be taken to heart like Miyamoto’s cat comments from last year.