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Update: Warner Bros. has now confirmed that Amazon consumers will receive a $10 games credit with pre-orders. If you pre-order at Walmart, you’ll receive an ultra exclusive Iron Patriot mini-fig when the game releases.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is now available for pre-order at most major retailers. Reservations can be done through Amazon here, GameStop here, or Best Buy here.

Those who pre-order LEGO Marvel Super Heroes at GameStop will receive a LEGO Spider-Man key chain (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 buyers who are PowerUp Rewards members will also receive a free DLC pack). This will be provided at launch. The offer is valid both in-store and online.

Towards the end of the European Wii U Virtual Console trailer we added to the site yesterday, Nintendo gave a brief look into the future of the service.

Mega Man, Xevious, Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts, Super Mario Bros., Street Fighter II and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past are just some of the titles planned for the Virtual Console. Balloon Fight, already available through the North American eShop, is also on the way.


Shin’en is kicking off a new sale across the North American 3DS and Wii U eShops today. All of the studio’s games will be discounted by 30%, including Art of Balance TOUCH! and Nano Assault Neo.

The “Shin’en Spring Sale” lasts until May 9. Shin’en tells us that the sale is “A little spring present to our fans.”

A common topic came up continuously during the Q&A session of Nintendo’s recent financial results briefing: Wii U game delays.

Iwata first commented specifically about games that will finally release starting with Pikmin 3. Its arrival will mark the start of new and significant first-party software releases for Wii U. However, Iwata explained that delays of first-party titles was necessary, otherwise “The brand of a franchise would be completely degraded without customer satisfaction.”

Nintendo’s Hiro Yamada is currently supervising Monster Games on the development of Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. However, he’s also in the know when it comes to Retro Studios’ new game for Wii U.

Fans want to know: what the heck is the Metroid Prime creator working on? Yamada wouldn’t divulge any details when asked by ONM, but did tease that he hopes to “introduce it to you in the not so distant future.”

“I wonder what kind of game it is? I hope to introduce it to you in the not so distant future.”

Nintendo won’t be holding a press conference at this year’s E3, but the publisher still intends to show games at the show. Perhaps Retro’s new project will be one of them?


More and more consumers are purchasing digital content – even in Japan. A good chunk of Animal Crossing: New Leaf’s sales came from the eShop, and there are a fair amount of 3DS owners who have opted to purchase the downloadable version of Tomodachi Collection.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata recently commented on the rise of digital sales during the Q&A session of the company’s latest financial results briefing. He confirmed to attendees that Animal Crossing’s digital sales in Japan stand at 10%, while Tomodachi Collection’s digital sales have come in at 10% thus far.

Remember how Nintendo promoted Fire Emblem: Awakening on its 3DS Facebook page by providing art and details about its characters? The company is now doing the same thing for Animal Crossing: New Leaf, which launches in June.

You can find a rundown of the first round of New Leaf character content below.

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