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Wii U

Platinum Games has updated its Wonderful 101 blog with a fourteenth post. You can find it here. Today’s update covers the various power-ups in the game.


“It’s not a niche game and so it has the potential to transcend to a wider audience, which I think is an opportunity for both console and the game brand.”

– Nintendo UK product manager Danielle Robinson

Whether The Wonderful 101 is a niche game or not is hard to say. It has the depth of all of Platinum’s brawlers, but (played on easy mode) it’s also pretty accessible and easy to button-mash through. Honestly, I think if a kid and his parent saw it on store shelves, it’d look like the kind of thing they’d want to buy. Maybe that’s the appeal Nintendo is aiming for.


Project Phoenix, a new indie RPG created by “AAA” talent, won’t be coming to any Nintendo platform. A notice posted on the official Kickstarter page states the following regarding a potential release on Wii U, Wii, and 3DS:

“Currently we do not have any plans to release it on those consoles.”

PC is the only confirmed platform for Project Phoenix at this time. PlayStation 4 and PS Vita versions are likely as well.


Angry Birds Trilogy is available now on Wii U for $49.99 and Wii for $39.99.

Wii U has not been on parity with other platforms when it comes to Injustice: Gods Among Us DLC. For unknown reasons, the system has been receiving new content later than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Some of the more recent DLC has also yet to land on Wii U.

It does, at least, look like the situation will be discussed in the near future. NetherRealm Studios creative director Ed Boon said the following on Twitter a short while ago regarding Wii U DLC:


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