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Wii U

If you want to go digital with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Capcom will have you covered. The company has reconfirmed that Wii U and 3DS owners will be able to download the game at launch.

On Wii U, Ultimate is a 6.07GB download. The digital 3DS version is 1.74GB.

Source 1, Source 2

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition was the IP’s first foray on consoles. Microsoft currently has exclusive rights to the franchise, meaning it can’t land on other dedicated gaming devices just yet.

Eventually, Microsoft’s deal with Mojang will expire, and Minecraft could end up on additional platforms. But, unfortunately, Jens Bergensten says that a Wii U version is “very unlikely.”

According to Bergensten:

“Microsoft has an exclusivity deal for consoles. When it runs out we’ll consider Minecraft for PlayStation, but Wii U is very unlikely.”

Source, Via

Ubisoft France boss Xavier Poix answered a whole bunch of questions in a new IGN interview. Topics include Ubisoft’s strategy when it comes to Rayman, Wii U NFC, and Beyond Good & Evil 2.

We’ve rounded up Poix’s comments below.

News leaked out a few days back that Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag will be launching in North America on October 29. Ubisoft officially confirmed the date today, as well as the release timing for Europe. Black Flag will be out in the country just a few days later – November 1.

Capcom is continuing to highlight creatures from Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. The latest, Jade Barroth, is a Brute Wyvern in the game.

Jade Barroth screenshots and details are posted below, straight from Capcom-Unity.

Wii U discounted at ASDA

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

Walmart subsidiary ASDA is selling the Wii U at a discount. The Basic model is available for £199 while the Deluxe release can be purchased for £249. Both editions have been dropped by £50.

For the time being, ASDA is the only retailer in the UK offering these discounts.


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