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Wii U

Rayman creator Michel Ancel has had nothing but praise for the Wii U. In an interview with GamesTM, Ancel continued to speak positively about the hardware.

Ancel told the magazine that the Wii U is powerful and his team hasn’t encountered any limitations. Ubisoft was also able to improve upon its UbiArt engine. Players experiencing Rayman Legends may notice greater depth to the visuals compared to Origins, and there are also enhanced lighting effects.

“The hardware is powerful and we haven’t had any limitations. Visually, because we’ve had more time with the UbiArt engine, we were able to add a lot of depth to the graphics. You can especially see it in the backgrounds. There are more layers, more details; it feels more like a landscape. We’ve also done a lot with the lighting effects, both in gameplay and graphics.”

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Capcom is continuing to highlight creatures from Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. The latest, Plesioth, is a Piscine Wyvern in the game.

Plesioth screenshots and details are posted below, straight from Capcom-Unity.

Some may be down on recent sales for Nintendo, but it isn’t all bad for the Big N. The company’s stock saw the biggest increase in nearly four months once news came in that the Wii U has generated more revenue in the US than the Wii at the same point in its lifecycle.

Bloomberg reports a rise in stock to 5.6% to close at 9,070 yen. That’s actually Nintendo’s biggest gain since mid-September.


Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2 will be launching in Europe next month. But unlike the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the Wii U game will only be available on the eShop. There is no retail version planned, it seems.

Source: Tecmo Koei PR

Activision had two options in assigning a developer to The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct. The publisher could have gone with High Moon Studios, or the team that we now know is working on the project – Terminal Reality.

High Moon ended up going with Deadpool for its next game. That left Terminal Reality with The Walking Dead.

Terminal Reality’s principle effects artist Glenn Gamble told Eurogamer:

“We were wrapping up Star Wars and Activision came to us and were like, ‘what could you do with The Walking Dead idea?’ It’s funny. They talked to [Transformers developer] High Moon too and High Moon grabbed Deadpool and we grabbed The Walking Dead.”

Source, Via

Activision’s Skylanders franchise has raked in over $500 million in US retail sales, including accessory packs and figures. The milestone was reached faster than any other kids’ gaming property. More than $195 million was collected through Skylanders Giants sales.

Skylanders Giants and Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure figures outsold some of the top action figure lines in the toy category in the US such as Beyblades, WWE, and Star Wars. Last year, Skylanders Giants surpassed domestic box office sales for top holiday kids movies including “Wreck-It Ralph” and “Rise of the Guardians”.

Source: Activision PR

NeoGAF user “suikodan” claims that his Nintendo Network ID was deleted after Nintendo detected a Miiverse drawing from his underage niece.

After the drawing was made, the niece made sure to ask suikodan to include the message “Drawing made by my 10yo niece”. A week later, suikodan noticed an email stating that his Nintendo Network ID had been taken down. Nintendo’s reasoning? The company apparently said “a children need parental consent to create an Account online”.

The situation has since been resolved. After contacting a Nintendo customer service representative, suikodan was told that he would be able to download any titles attached to the account.

This story is almost too crazy to be true. But knowing how seriously Nintendo considers the online interaction of children and privacy, it’s certainly possible.

The OFLC revamped its classification system at the start of new year, and created an R18+ rating. Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge, a Nintendo-published game, is the first title to fall under the category.

Because Razor’s Edge is rated R18+, only adults can purchase the title. These titles “will have a high impact and it is for this reason that these games are not suitable for under 18s”, according to Classification Board director Lesley O’Brien.

O’Brien noted of Razor’s Edge’s rating:

“Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge contains violence that is high in impact because of its frequency, high definition graphics and emphasis on bloody effects.”

Source, Via

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