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Wii U

Satoru Iwata spoke about the Wii U’s strong pre-orders and production of the console during an investor’s meeting in Japan a short while ago. Thanks to a transcription of the talk on Nintendo’s official website, we now have direct quotes.

First, below are Iwata’s comments on pre-orders. It has once again been confirmed that 250,000 consumers are on GameStop’s waiting list, and pre-orders are strong overall.

“Although we had not begun advertising in the mass media at that time, many pre-orders started to be placed at retailers, and now we are even hearing that pre-orders are already sold out at some stores. Of the two SKUs, it seems that the Wii U DELUXE SET, which is the high-end model, is doing better in terms of pre-order numbers. To give a nice anecdote which illustrates how well pre-orders are doing at the moment, GameStop, which is the largest specialty retailer of video games in the U.S., created a ‘waiting list’ after all of their allocated pre-orders had been sold out, and as of last week, more than 250,000 consumers had put their name and contact details on the waiting list for a Wii U system.”

The excerpt below concerns Wii U production. Nintendo believes that production capacity “will place limits on our Wii U prospects for this calendar year, but we will make every effort to supply as many units as possible, and we will strive to continue to ship Wii U hardware without any interruptions in each region even after its launch.”

“As production only started this summer, it has now become more likely that it is our production capacity, rather than consumer demand, that will place limits on our Wii U prospects for this calendar year, but we will make every effort to supply as many units as possible, and we will strive to continue to ship Wii U hardware without any interruptions in each region even after its launch. In this fiscal year we are looking to ship 5.5 million units of Wii U hardware and 24 million units of Wii U software. By the way, when we launched Wii six years ago, we shipped 5.84 million units of hardware and 28.84 million units of software in its first year. Please note that while this software sales figure includes bundled copies, the software sales estimate I have just shown does not.”


Nintendo has provided an updated release schedule as part of its financial materials.

There aren’t a whole lot of interesting listings, but it looks like Brain Age: Concentration Training has been pushed back in North America to an unspecified time frame between January and March 2013. It’s been given a vague 2013 “date” in Europe.

Wii U games are also listed for the first time. Bayonetta 2, Smash Bros., and Monolith Soft’s next game are all “TBA”, though it’s nice seeing them on there in any case!


Update: Now over, basically. You can see a more comprehensive version of the presentation through the slides posted here.

It’s that time once again! Nintendo is holding its usual investor’s briefing in Japan today, and analyst David Gibson is in attendance as usual.

We’ll round up Gibson’s tweets from the events below. I suppose you can consider this a live-blog of sorts.

– 9 of the top 20 titles in Japan are for the 3DS
– Europe/USA only has 3
– Nintendo doesn’t consider 3DS to be having a significantly positive performance given market is double in Japan
– 3DS has a 57% share of sales in Japan this year
– Only 18% share in Europe
– Only 20% share in the USA
– 3DS XL helped
– 3DS’ seven quarter sales have exceeded the DS
– On Wii U: Nintendo thinks there will be shipment bottleneck to meet demand
– GameStop sold pre-orders in 1.5 days
– 250,000 people are on the retailer’s wait list
– Wii price cut and bundles will drive sales
– Nintendo believes Wii buyer user base is different from Wii U, meaning the two won’t cannibalize each other
– 3DS connection rate increased from 10% to 72% in a year
– Japan and USA exceeded a rate of 80%
– The rate is lower in Europe/Australia, but Nintendo thinks that’s infrastructure-related
– Some retail software in Japan exceeded a rate of 15% from eShop downloads
– New Super Mario Bros. 2 is the highest digital game in the USA with Japan next
– Wii U digital downloads will be available “right after launch” (not clear if it this will literally be at launch)
– 3DS losses improved in the second quarter
– Decided on the Wii U price based on user acceptance of price, not on cogs
– “booked some WiiU costs in 2Q”
– Nintendo considering Nintendo TVii-like service for Japan; a different service is needed in Europe, and Nintendo has plans to announce that in detail in the near future
– “said nintendo’s focus is on game services, synergy with web and increased user satisfaction (rather than other services)”
– Admits smartphones have changed the environment
– Smartphone is “our friend”, not a threat
– Nintendo wants to provide entertainment that exceeds the 85 yen offered in the App Store and do something that can’t be done on smartphones
– Nintendo will collaborate with smartphone companies
– Miiverse fits into these plans with the larger the group of friends the larger the game opportunity
– Anticipating that the mix of third-party games for Wii U will be high initially which contrasts with the Wii
– The Wii saw low third-party support initially, but it gradually improved
– Nintendo has no intention of offering DLC extras for all games since they think it is unhealthy
– Will be done on a game-by-game basis


As far as we know, tomorrow’s North American Nintendo Direct will be focusing on the 3DS. But a presentation has now been confirmed for Japan as well, and it’s promising the latest news on 3DS and Wii U games.

The Japanese broadcast will take place at 4 AM PT / 7 AM ET. Again, three hours later, the North American Nintendo Direct will be shown.

Be sure to check on the site for the latest news from both events.


With the old Wiimotes, the sync button was hidden away behind the battery cover. That has changed with the updated model – the Wii U branded Wiimotes.

As shown in the picture above, the sync button has been moved. That should make it more accessible to those who need to connect the controller to the console.


Thanks to Armadillo for the tip.

Resident Evil 6 has recently been released for Xbox 360 and PS3 but Nakanishi believes that GamePad would give Capcom the opportunity to make something different on Nintendo’s new console.

Capcom has yet to announce a Resident Evil game for Wii U, but Revelations director Koshi Nakanishi is open to the possibility.

If Nakanishi were to create a new entry in the legendary series for Nintendo’s newest home console, he “would definitely want to make something that couldn’t be done on any other hardware.” Nakanishi feels that the GamePad leads to a wide array of possibilities and thinks “it would let us create a very unique and fun Resident Evil game.”

“The Wii U certainly looks like it will enable creators to come up with all kinds of never-before-seen gameplay ideas. There are lots of things I’d like to try out on it. If I was to work on a game for the Wii U, I would definitely want to make something that couldn’t be done on any other hardware. The GamePad’s separate screen enables so many possibilities, and playing on a television screen would enable sharing the experience in a way that wasn’t possible on Nintendo 3DS. I feel it would let us create a very unique and fun Resident Evil game.”


Update: DQF has provided an accurate translation of the post:

“The presented characters aren’t the only ones usable in Scribblenauts Unlimited, there are also Yoshi’s in different colors and not to forget Tingle of the Legend of Zelda side. Better, multiple objects from these two sagas are back, in the form of the Triforce or the Ocarina. For example, if you give the Ocarina to Link and he use it, Epona will gallop to him. However, the studio’s spokesman said Nintendo want to hold a certain image for their characters so you couldn’t make a zombie Mario because Nintendo didn’t want you to.”

Again, that does sound like Tingle as well as different colored Yoshis will be included… but I’m still cautious!

Original: The Wii U version of Scribblenauts Unlimited will offer a host of different Nintendo characters and items. Warner Bros. and 5th Cell haven’t exactly dished out the specifics on this yet, but we do have a new tidbit thanks to a French preview.

To call out Epona, Link can use an ocarina. The triforce will apparently be included in some form as well.

This other part you can mark as a biiiiig rumor, mainly because I don’t speak any French at all. The way Google is wording a portion of the article, it sounds like different colored Yoshis and Tingle may also be included in Scribblenauts Unlimited.

This is what it says – again, through Google Translate:

“First, a few Nintendo characters presented are not the only ones available in Scribblenauts Unlimited, different colors of Yoshi being in the program, not to mention the side Tingle series The Legend of Zelda.”

If anyone wants to translate this short article, feel free to send it our way.

Thanks to Alex for the tip.

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