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Wii U

Missed the latest Rayman Legends trailer? If so, you probably haven’t heard that the game will be released “exclusively on Wii U” in time for Christmas. With the console probably arriving in November, you won’t have to wait long to play Ubisoft’s next Rayman title.

Former Vigil staffer and Darksiders II developer Xander Davis was asked for his thoughts on Wii U in an interview with Not Enough Shaders.

Davis wasn’t actually involved with the port prior to his departure. However, he’s apparently heard from “people who have actually played a Wii U as recently as a month ago” that “the games pretty much suck and the tablet is pretty much a complete gimmick.” He also suggested that the console is “a $400 Xbox 360 seven years late.”

Below are Davis’ thoughts in full:

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