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Wii U

The latest edition of Nintendo Power contains an interview with Mario Kart producer Hideki Konno. Most of the questions focus on Mario Kart 7, but he was asked about a couple of interesting things in particular.

First, the magazine asked if Nintendo has ever considered including characters from other franchises. Nintendo Power was implying that this would be similar to Smash Bros. In any case, don’t count on a roster expansion anytime soon. Konno said, “No, we’ve never seriously considered that.”

Konno was also quizzed on a Mario Kart title for Wii U. He all but confirmed that a new game in the series will be made for the console (surprise!), explaining that he would like “to create a new and enjoyable Mario Kart that uses the unique functions of the Wii U.”

“I can’t get into the specifics, but I do want to create a new and enjoyable Mario Kart that uses the unique functions of the Wii U. Anything beyond that I have to keep secret. Please bear with me for now!”

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In the past, Nintendo was non-committal about featuring more than one controller for Wii U. Rumors indicated that technical limitations may restrict the amount of tablets the console could support. But Develop now claims that Nintendo has modified the system so that two Wii U controllers can be used at once.

Develop’s source said:

“Nintendo now know they absolutely need to support two tablets. At E3 they didn’t commit to this, but they know how important it is to make it technically feasible to support two screens. Even if that affects framerate, as a developer and player, I don’t care. It needs to work. Developers will design appropriate games for this. If you’re building a quiz game you’re not going to give a shit about the framerate.”

Two Wii U controllers is likely all we’ll get. Although four tablets is basically out of the question, players will be able to add in Wii Remotes and accessories for multiplayer action.


This has been the first week in quite some time that Square Enix did not release an official update for Dragon Quest X in the form of new screenshots and details. On the bright side, the company did confirm that beta test news is on the way. Dragon Quest X producer Yosuke Saito promised on Twitter today that information will be revealed some time next week.


Last year, XGen Studios and Amanita Design announced that Machinarium would be coming to WiiWare. We haven’t heard about the game since then… and here’s why: the game isn’t coming to the service any longer.

In a new interview, Amanita founder Jakub Dvorský critized the Wii in general for its low resolution and the WiiWare file size limit. I’m sure that the developers were having a tough time squeezing their title into the 40MB restriction.

Dvorský said:

“We don’t like Wii because the resolution is so low and there is a size limit on WiiWare of 40MB, which is so low for nowadays. It’s crazy.”

On the bright side, there’s a strong chance that Samorost 3 will be considered for Wii U:

“Of course we want to bring it to as many platforms as possible. Definitely PC, Mac and tablets – iPad and Android tablets. And hopefully also some bigger consoles. We are in contact with Sony. They are interested, so we want to bring it to PlayStation. We’re also interested in Xbox. Nintendo Wii U looks promising because it will be a powerful machine and that’s what we want.”

Thanks to Robert for the tip!

To no one’s surprise, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata kept quiet when pressed on Wii U questions during a Q&A session with investors on Friday. Iwata wouldn’t discuss the console’s price point, whether or not the company will sell it at a loss, and other information about the system.

Iwata did, however, clarify a statement made earlier regarding mistakes made with the 3DS. You might remember this quote during Nintendo’s financial briefing presentation: “As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch.”

Iwata explained that Nintendo learned quite a few lessons with the issues the 3DS faced and hope to avoid them for the launch of Wii U. He declined to go into detail because he felt that doing so would be pointless for the most part and his statements would be picked up by the press. Iwata simply said that Nintendo is working on a number of areas that the company believes need to be addressed.

Thanks to 4Him for the tip!


Nintendo president Satoru Iwata shared a few more details about the 3DS’ November system update during a Q&A session with investors on Friday. Iwata provided investors with the following information:

– Iwata clarified that “add-on content” means both add-on content and an item-based billing system
– November update will allow for micro payments to buy items and add-on content directly within a game
– Iwata on Nintendo’s DLC plans: “Nintendo will also likely next year in some form do this [offer add-on content], in a form that would receive support from the customers.”
– Iwata reminded us of the Q&A session from Nintendo’s July earnings briefing, where he’d mentioned as an example add-on stages that were developed with full creative force
– Iwata has been hearing that third-parties are planning on using the new transaction system early next year
– He called this system “the new Nintendo e-Shop framework”
– Nintendo has no plans to offer item-transaction titles like the ones found on social networks
– Iwata on Smartphones/SNS as promotional tools: Nintendo announced the Nintendo Direct presentation two days before its broadcast on Twitter; viewership was on the magnitude of hundreds of thousands

Thanks to 4Him for the tip!


TSSZ News claims to have details on the first Sonic game for Wii U, Sonic Dimensions. Their sources have been rather accurate in the past, but you should consider all of the points below “rumor” until we hear something official. We’ll probably have to wait quite awhile for an announcement, as the Wii U won’t be resurfacing until E3 2012… and that’s assuming any of this is true!

In any case, here’s what the site has reported thus far:

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