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Wii U

More information has emerged from Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing. Some points are unclear – such as a new Pokemon title that isn’t listed internally – but there are some interesting details nonetheless.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata shared the following information during the briefing:

– Once again, Kid Icarus coming to Japan between January-March
– Possible Pokemon game coming, could be in the spring
– First 10 months in Japan have 8 of top 20 Nintendo titles vs. 13 last year
– USA: first 3 weeks in October has Wii hardware sales up year-over-year
– USA: 3DS/DS sales trending in-line with DS last year
– Nintendo wants to obtain bigger sales year-over-year by the end of 2011
– Satoru Iwata elieves Christmas sales will be up year-over-year for Nintendo
– USA/Japan: 3DS purchase rate is higher than the DS last year
– USA: Active users in October vs. March hasn’t changed for Wii/DS/3DS
– Improved profits driven by lower cost and continued momentum in 2012
– Nintendo hopes to accelerate digital offerings
– Iwata implied a launch date for Wii U later than June 2012 (makes sense since Nintendo will show the console at the show)
– USA: StreetPass opportunities are small; need to get a group together and they’ll have positive views of the feature
– Nintendo’s priority in 2011 is 3DS hardware sales, profitability sacrificed, want to grow 3DS into a core platform
– Big improvement in 3DS profitability next year; targeting 16 million units; conservative goal, not aggressive
– Lack of 3DS software won’t happen again
– Nintendo will collaborate more with external developers since they can’t do everything internally; external companies better at network service
– Nintendo still interested in expanding the gaming population
– Iwata: Industry will shrink is audience doesn’t expand
– Children are asking for the 3DS more for Christmas
– This is why Nintendo is more confident about 3DS sales
– There is a plan in place to enhance the 3DS line-up internationally, aand this will be one of the drivers for improved profits in 2012


Nintendo president Satoru Iwata provided a brief update on Wii U at the company’s latest financial briefing. It sounds like we won’t be seeing the console anytime soon. Iwata told investors that Nintendo “would like to show the final format of the Wii U at the E3 show next year.” This probably is an indication that the console won’t be out until late 2012.

Iwata also said that Nintendo “learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS”. Hopefully this means that they’ll be gearing up for a healthy lineup of launch games and will price the Wii U appropriately.

“We are also planning to launch the Wii U, which is the successor to the Wii, during the next fiscal year. We would like to show the final format of the Wii U at the E3 show next year. As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch.”


GTA V Wii U mock-ups

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

Grand Theft Auto V has been officially announced, so we could know as soon as next week if the game is coming to Wii U. Then again, there’s a chance that Rockstar won’t confirm platforms when they release the first trailer. It’s also possible that a Wii U version will be announced in the future.

In any case, IGN has drawn up some mock-up shots of what GTA V might look like with Wii U controller functionality. The images are somewhat interesting, so I figured I might as well post them up on the site. The mock-ups can be found in the gallery above.

Square Enix has released a bunch of new details on Dragon Quest X. The latest information pertains to the title’s online functionality. For new screenshots published earlier today, click here.

– Select between playing with other live players or playing with AI controlled support characters
– Speak to a player who catches your eye for the live player option
– View the player’s status and a preset message before you decide if you want him in your party
– On the invited end, you can specify how long you’ll be able to join someone’s party (ex: one hour)
– Inviter can reject the newcomer if the time limit isn’t sufficient
– Can make your character follow a particular member
– Find other parties battling while you explore
– Even if you’re not in that party, you can choose the “support” command, increasing the tension of the other party
– Add AI characters to your party if you want to play alone or if you don’t have enough players for a full party
– Choose AI members by speaking to the staff at the town pub
– AI characters follow you in a line
– They also automatically move in battle according to strategies you’v set
– Register your name at the pub to convert yourself into a support character
– Doing so ends your session and your character will be opened up to be used as an AI character in other online players’ parties
– When you return, you’ll receive a report on your activities as a support character
– Keep your experience as well
– New monsters: Big Hat (??????), Green Scissor (???????), and Helcon Doctor (????????)


Spike TV has shared new details on GTTV’s upcoming Nintendo episode. Along with a trailer for Zelda: Skyward Sword, viewers can expect new footage of Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land. The Zelda video will show “a never before seen area from the game”.

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, Zelda producer Eijii Aonuma, and composer Koji Kondo will all be making appearances through interviews. Reggie will address questions on the 3DS and apparently the Wii U,

The next episode of GameTrailers TV will air October 27 at 1:05 AM.

Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi (PS3/360) – 11/4
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Impact (PSP) – 11/11
Family Trainer Magical Carnival (Wii) – 11/18
Ben 10 Galactic Racing (DS/PS3/360/Wii) – 11/25
Power Rangers Samurai (Wii/DS) – 12/2
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy (3DS) – Winter 2011
SoulCalibur V (PS3/360) – 2/3 (2012)
Inversion (PS3/360) – 2/10 (2012)
Saint Seiya Sanctuary Battle (PS3) – February 2012
One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP (3DS) – February 2012
Ridge Racer (Vita) – February 22 2012
Shinobido 2 (Vita) – February 22 2012
Touch My Katamari (Vita) – February 22 2012
Tales of the Abyss (3DS) – 2012
Ben 10 Galactic Racing (3DS) – TBA
Victorious: Time to Shine (360) – TBA
Victorious: Hollywood Arts Debut (DS) – TBA
Tekken X Street Fighter (PS3/360) – TBA
Tekken 3D: Prime Edition (3DS) – TBA
Tekken (Wii U) – TBA
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PS3) – TBA
Ridge Racer Unbounded (PS3/360) – TBA
Armored Core V (PS3/360) – TBA
Tales of Graces F (PS3) – TBA
Pac Man Party 3D (3DS) – TBA
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations (PS3/360) – TBA


This title is going to be pretty big for Nintendo, TT Games, and Warner Bros. Although it’s not what gamers would consider “hardcore”, you don’t often see third-party exclusives on Nintendo consoles. Plus, the LEGO video game series has been extremely successful.


During Nintendo’s E3 2011 presentation, EA’s John Riccitello came up on stage to discuss how excited he was about the Wii U. He asked fans to “imagine” what some of the company’s franchise would be like on the console, including Battlefield. Because of this, some people automatically assumed that Battlefield 3 was a shoe-in for the system.

That’s not actually the case. Battlefield 3 is unlikely to be released for the Wii U because it “is so far out” according to DICE’s Patrick Liu. Moreover, the studio says that “there is nothing planned” for the hardware just yet,

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