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Wii U

This information comes from Satoru Iwata, who speak at a E3 Expo Analyst Q & A Session last week…

“What I can say is that we are also thinking, as you imagined, that with one console you would get one of the new controllers as a complete set.

As I am sure you can imagine, the cost of the new controller will exceed the cost of a standard controller up until now.

Regardless of the technical question as to whether or not we could do that (use two of the new controllers), for the time being, we will focus on what we can do with a single new controller with the system.

In the future, we may look at what other opportunities there are for gameplay and, how having two of those controllers might create fun or interesting new styles of play, but of course in doing that, it would require a consumer to purchase an additional controller. Therefore, we would need to carefully consider how we could create such an experience and, potentially, how we could ensure that there would be enough value within that experience for the consumer to accept that cost and make that purchase.”


Ken Levine has said that, although he’s excited about Wii U, his company isn’t creating any games for the platform. So it should come as no surprise that BioShock Infinite isn’t in development for Nintendo’s new console. When asked if Irrational Games is looking at Wii U, Shawn Robertson told GamesweltTV “Not at the moment with this, no.”


If you’re looking for a console that can play DVDs, you’re going to have to find a system other than Wii U. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata confirmed that Wii U is unable to play DVDs. Iwata explained that it would be expensive to incorporate a player into the console due to patents and most consumers already have machines that can play DVDs.

Iwata also confirmed that the console will not support Blu-ray disks.

He told investors:

“Wii U does not have DVD or Blu-ray playback capabilities.

The reason for that is that we feel that enough people already have devices that are capable of playing DVDs and Blu-ray, such that it didn’t warrant the cost involved to build that functionality into the Wii U console because of the patents related to those technologies.”


Sure, we all know most of the major news from Nintendo’s E3 2011 press conference: The Wii U was revealed, Luigi’s Mansion and Super Mario hit the 3DS, third-party developers finally got onboard with a Nintendo console… But there was plenty of other Nintendo-related news throughout the week, some of which you might have missed, and you really don’t want to sort through about twenty pages of E3 information here on Nintendo Everything. So here’s some other important things we learned about Nintendo’s games and consoles at E3 2011:

This information comes from Epic’s Mark Rein…

“I can tell you that I got to see it at E3 and it was what I expected of course. We were very excited to play some of their demos, see how good the feel of the hardware was — it’s a very impressive system and I think it’s gonna do quite well. If Nintendo made a system that could run our engine, we’d be on it like water on fish.’ And so when someone asked me what I thought about the Wii U, I said, ‘Water, meet fish.'”

Rein didn’t explicitly say that Unreal Engine 3 is running on Wii U, but he more or less implied it. Rein has had a longstanding history with the Wii, mainly relating to him saying over the years that the console can’t handle the technology. Now that the Wii U stacks up to other consoles (and perhaps surpasses them in some ways), there’s no way that Unreal Engine 3 couldn’t run on the system.


Very recently, Nintendo registered a ton of domains pertaining to the Wii U and other products. The company now owns sites for New Super Mario Bros. Mii, among others. For the full list, read on below.


Source 1, Source 2

Reggie Fils-Aime has commented on why Nintendo is introducing a new console to the gaming world. The Nintendo executive told Kotaku that the company readies new hardware when developers begin to create ideas that can’t be realized on existing platforms. Interestingly, Fils-Aime told the publication that teams were actually creating ideas involving two-screens.

“The way we approach hardware development is that when there are experiences that our internal development teams bring to bear that can’t be executed with the current systems, that’s a signal to us that it’s time for exploration of new systems. And, Stephen, specifically in this case, our development teams were bringing forward two-screen ideas, two-separate-screen ideas. Ideas that leveraged the big 10-feet-away interface and the one-foot-away smaller-screen interface. That was the signal for not only a new system but one that took advantage of two separate screens.”


A couple of Nintendo franchises were represented on Wii U at E3 last week. New Super Mario Bros. Mii was available to play in prototype form while Zelda was on display in full HD glory. Metroid, however, was absent, aside from a few nods in Battle Mii.

But just because Samus wasn’t in action at the show doesn’t mean that she won’t be starring in an adventure on Wii U. Nintendo’s Katsuya Eguchi seems quite confident that the franchise will show up on the console.

Eguchi told Kotaku:

“I can’t give you any details now, but I’m sure there will be a new Metroid release making use of the new controller, not just to control Samus and her ship but also to give the player a new source of information. Maybe the player is looking at the screen but has the information that they need to defeat the enemy in their hands.”

It’s kind of strange to hear Eguchi talking about Metroid since he hasn’t really been involved with the series. If Yoshio Sakamoto was at E3, perhaps he would have provided more insight!


This information comes from Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter…

“They were particularly unclear about whether the console would support more than one of their tablet-like controllers; Mr. Miyamoto said no, but Reggie said yes (to me in a meeting), Obviously, they intend to ship the console with only one of these controllers, so it is unlikely that anyone will develop games that require two, but they were not clear whether the capability exists.”

In the end, I have a feeling the Wii U will use at least two controllers. Anything beyond that is probably a stretch due to how much it’ll cost. I personally do most of my multiplayer gaming with two controllers anyway, so I’d be fine with just two Wii U controllers. Also remember that numerous Wiimotes can be used as well!


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