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Crush3D (3DS) – 7.0
Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (3DS) – 7.0
Order Up!! (3DS) – 6.5
Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS) – 9.0
Tales of the Abyss (3DS) – 7.0
The Adventures of Tintin: The Game (Wii) – 5.5

Yes, you read this title correctly! The latest Nintendo Power appears to be combining two months into one. This means that we likely won’t be seeing the next issue until late February with the March 2012 edition. Kind of strange that Nintendo Power is doing things this way…

Thanks to Jake for the tip!

3DS Virtual Console

Bionic Commando – £3.60/€4


Antipole – 500 points
Flipper 2: Flush the Goldfish – 500 points

WiiWare Demo

Gnomz – free

Watch over 70 minutes of Nintendo content with Satoru Iwata…

A couple of weeks ago, asked its readers to participate in a number of different polls. Visitors were asked about the biggest video game stories of the year, the company that left the greatest impression, and more.

You can find all of the results below.

Biggest news stories of 2011

1. Nintendo 3DS price drop (8/11)
2. PSN account leak (4/27)
3. Monster Hunter 3 surprise announcement for 3DS (9/13)
4. Wii U announcement (6/8)
5. Dragon Quest new title details announced (9/5)
6. Nintendo 3DS first week sales (2/28)
7. PS Vita launch (12/17)
8. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd ships 4 million domestically (1/5)
9. Sony details new NGP hardware (1/27)
10. Monster Hunter 3G release date set. Circle Pad bundle also announced (9/13)’s most-accessed stories of 2011

1. PlayStation Meeting 2011 Live Blog
2. Monster Hunter series set for iPhone release
3. Super Robot Wars appears on PS3 — 2nd Super Robot Wars OG
4. Monster Hunter 3rd HD set for release
5. Keiyaku Mahou Shojo available on GREE
6. Monster Hunter 4 announced for 3DS
7. Persona 4 The Golden appears on PlayStation Vita
8. First installment of feature about G Generation series
9. Super Danganronpa 2 announcement article
10. Senran Kagura announcement article

Game company that left the greatest impression

1. Nintendo
2. Sony
3. Capcom

Person that left the greatest impression

1. Shigeru Miyamoto
2. Akihiro Hino
3. Ryozo Tsujimoto

Commercial that left the greatest impression

1. Mario Kart 7
2. Zelda Skyward Sword
3. Uncharted 3


First Kiki Trick footage

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

This should begin in ten minutes or so. We’ll post any translated information and media that comes in. As I said before, I wouldn’t expect any significant news. Still, we’ll get some new footage of upcoming games at the very least. Should be a fun time!

Media Create hardware totals for the month of November are now available. The figures are based on data collected from October 31 to November 27.

3DS – 466,372
PS3 – 124,985
PSP – 124,660
Wii – 57,268
DSi LL – 7,842
Xbox 360 – 7,230
PS2 – 5,336
DSi – 3,856
DS Lite – 119

La-Mulana made it out on the Japanese Wii Shop Channel a few months ago. The same cannot be said for the North American and European WiiWare service, though.

While it has taken a considerably long time for the game to arrive in overseas territories, it’s coming… soon.

Nicalis issued the following statement yesterday:

The L.A. Times has a new interview up with Shigeru Miyamoto. Miyamoto was asked to comment on his original “retirement” comments for the umpteenth time, and he apologized for any misunderstanding.

Besides this, there are some other interesting remarks included inside of the interview. Miyamoto is asked about his favorite Nintendo characters (he has a difficult time choosing just one), his influences, and more.

Head past the break for his responses.

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