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This information comes from Alan Johnson, Telltale’s community manager…

“We don’t have any plans to release Back to the Future on the Wii platform at this time.”

Man, I’m really bummed about this. I figured the game would definitely end up on the Wii, especially with Telltale’s recent support for the system. Unfortunately, if you’re a Nintendo fan, you’ll have to consider buying the title on a different platform.


Toys R Us and GameStop held their own versions of a “buy 2 get 1 free” sale recently, and now Target is joining in on the fun. Starting this Saturday, consumers can pick from any three titles – as long as they’re on the Wii, PS3, or 360, and if they fall under the $14.99 – $59.99 price range. Haven’t picked up Kirby’s Epic Yarn or Metroid: Other M yet? Well, now’s your chance! Just make sure to pick the titles you’re interested in before November 6, as the deal will end after that date.


1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
2. Kirby’s Epic Yarn
3. Epic Mickey
4. Donkey Kong Country Returns
5. Sonic Colors


1. Pokemon Black/White
2. Super Scribblenauts
3. Sonic Colors
4. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!
5. Kingdom Hearts Re:coded


1. Paper Mario
2. Mario Kart
3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
4. Kid Icarus: Uprising
5. Star Fox 64 3D

Bit.Trip Fate footage

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 1 Comment


Nintendo Week 10/25
Disney Epic Mickey Info Video
Bit.Trip Fate Info Video
Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light Info Video
Okamiden Info Video 1
Okamiden Info Video 2
Lost in Shadow Info Video 1
Lost in Shadow Info Video 2
Ultimate Wii Challenge Samurai Warriors 3
Wii Party TV Spot
Go Series: Defence Wars Info Video
Spot the Difference Info Video
Flashlight Info Video

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