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Famitsu review scores

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 5 Comments

Metroid: Other M (Wii) – 9/9/8/9

– A sorcerer named Yin-Yarn has turned Dream Land into yarn
– Kirby tries to eat a tomoato-like fruit on Yin-Yarn’s head
– This makes Yin-Yarn angry, sucks Kirby into a sock tied around his neck
– Kirby gets transported to Patch Land
– Kirby meets Prince Fluff
– Fluff is being chased by a horned enemy
– Kirby tries to inhale the enemy, finds out air passes through him
– However, he can morph into forms such as a car
– Kirby and Fluff escape when Kirby transforms into a car
– Transform into the car at will
– Hold Wiimote sideways
– Double-tap left or right on the control pad to go into car form
– Can jump higher and farther in this mode due to the higher speed
– Can’t attack foes in this mode, however
– Can lasso enemies with the 1 button
– Grab an enemy by holding 1
– Tap again to throw it
– Submarine form (jump into the water)
– Parachute (jump and hold 2)
– Descend slowly in the parachute
– Weight (jump and press down on the Control Pad)
– Smash through certain floors as weight
– Weight comes into play during a cut-scene in which Kirby crushes a three-eyed monster
– The monster is trying to eat Prince Fluff
– After you defeat the monster, it leaves behind a piece of magic yarn
– Prince says it’s used to stitch together worlds
– Yin-Yarn broke the realm into seven parts
– Need to put the pieces back together
– Grass Land the first collection of stages
– Different areas, including a forest, giant vine, and underground area
– Fountain Gardens level: Big rocket-firing Kirby tank
– Rainbow Falls level: Kirby shifts into a surfboarding penguin
– Mole Hole: Become a drill machine
– Diggable soil looks like pieces of dirty cotton
– UFO form: Use in two Grass Land levels
– UFO Kirby has a tractor beam to consumer objects and enemies
– Collect three items to charge electricity
– Then can use an electrical attack that takes down mostly everything around you
– Can skip two Grass Land levels
– Fangora is the dragon boss
– Defeat Fangora to open the next world
– Secret areas
– Three collectibles in each level
– Tons of beads
– Beads pop out of Kirby when he gets hit


Keep in mind that this is from the Australian edition of Game Informer. The next U.S. issue of the magazine won’t be out for a couple of weeks.

Thanks to Mike H for the tip!


Metroid: Other M won’t be out for another week, and most reviews won’t arrive for a few days. However, the latest issue of Best Buy’s @Gamer has been released, which seems to have the first review of the game. You can check out some information from the article below.

– Going into first-person described as finnicky (sometimes you’ll suddenly be looking upwards instead of pointing directly at the enemy)
– Smooth/effortless third-person combat
– Weak points for these enemies are not immediately apparent
– Much exploration
– Nate Bihldorff was a placeholder voice at one point, but was used in the final game when it was decided that he delivered an impressive performance as a nasally scientist
– “It may not be the pinnacle of the series, but longtime fans shouldn’t let that deter them from checking out an overall enjoyable experience. Again, it’s all about managing your expectations.”
– Awarded a 4/5


XSEED Games’ New Project from Legendary Video Game Creator of Sonic, Yuji Naka, Takes Players of All Ages through an Engaging Storybook Adventure

TORRANCE, CA (August 24, 2010) – XSEED Games, an independent-minded publisher, has announced today that Ivy the Kiwi? has begun to ship to retailers across North America. Developed by PROPE, the development studio led by the legendary creator of Sonic Yuji Naka, Ivy the Kiwi? is rated “E” for Everyone and is available on Wii™ for the suggested retail price of $29.99 and on Nintendo DS™ for the suggested retail price of $19.99.

“I am especially excited that the Western edition of Ivy the Kiwi? is now available for gamers of all ages,” said Yuji Naka, founder of PROPE. “This game is extremely special to me as it has the potential to resonate with consumers of all ages with its touching storyline and innovative gameplay controls, so I look forward to seeing Ivy’s storybook journey transcend so American players can engage with this special creature and her friends to experience her magical world.”

Eiji Aonuma on the significant of Skyward Sword’s title and how it relates to the original piece of artwork…

“Did you happen to watch the trailer? That last scene where Link dives off the big cliff and goes flying through the clouds is a key hint as to the connection between the game and the Skyward Sword title.

Link lives on Skyloft, a series of floating islands that are above the clouds. He’s a normal kid living up on these islands above the clouds, but then an incident occurs and Link is forced to travel to the land beneath the clouds. This other world below the clouds has been captured and is being ruled by evil forces. So he has to go down there and start his adventure. The juxtapositon between the two worlds is very important.

What leads Link on this adventure is the Skyward Sword and when that Sword is actively guiding Link, it actually transforms into a feminine figure. I wouldn’t say that it’s female per se but it’s a feminine figure.”

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