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Initial teases from Atlus suggested that a new Etrian Odyssey game would be revealed in this week’s Famitsu. Based on initial leaks, it appears that the magazine has unveiled “Etrian Odyssey: Millenium Girl”. Like Etrian Odyssey IV, Millenium Girl is in the works for the 3DS.

Information beyond a name and release date – it’s coming out in Japan on June 27 – have not yet surfaced. We’ll bring you details as we get them.

Update: Nintendo’s Japanese site has the details. Firmware 5.0.0-11 provides the following (translation via):

?Improves the convenience of the Nintendo eShop
You can now ‘Download Later’ via Spotpass while running the Nintendo eShop in sleep mode.
You can now download updates using ‘Download Later’.
?Support for Save Data Transfer Tool
?Improving System Stability and Convenience

Nintendo has prepared a new firmware update for the 3DS. Either the company’s servers or extremely slow or the file size is large – it’s taking a heck of a long time to download.

At the moment, it’s unknown what exactly the upgrade does. If we receive any details, we’ll have them right here.

Any in case you’re wondering: no firmware update for the Wii U at present.

Wii U console sales may be slumping a bit, but Ubisoft – one of the system’s biggest supporters – doesn’t seem to be worried about the performance of its own software. Relative to the Wii U’s install base, Ubisoft France head Xavier Poix said that the company is not disappointed.

The next big Wii U game from Ubisoft will be Rayman Legends, which is due out in September. It may not be an exclusive any longer, but Poix and Ubisoft as a whole “expect Rayman to be a huge system seller on the console.”

“We don’t have any disappointments compared to the installed base. We are just hoping that Nintendo’s results for Wii U will be a bit bigger, like Iwata-san said. Selling a new way of playing can take some time, and we know the power of the brands from Nintendo and we know from the fans that the majority of what will be the system sellers are not yet available. And on our side, Rayman will be one of them for sure. We really expect Rayman to be a huge system seller on the console.”

Nintendo references are popping up in all kinds of different Wii U games! Take a look below for a Warp Pipe reference in Need for Speed: Most Wanted U:

It may just be a pipe dream for now, but Shovel Knight developer Yacht Club Games’ Sean Valesco would love to have some form of local multiplayer in their upcoming sidescroller. After the The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords was mentioned to Valesco at PAX East this week by Destructoid editor Jonathan Holmes, he got pretty excited:

“Awww, just saying ‘Four Swords’ make my brain go electric! I want that so bad. Just picturing four Shovel Knight’s running and jumping and digging around on screen together at the same time… and the Wii U control pad? So many possibilities…”

– Yacht Club Games’ Sean Valesco

Yacht Club Games probably wants to make it clear that this isn’t a hint at anything, nor is there any real chance this could make it in at this point. It’s just a dream that they may try, and may put into Shovel Knight down the line. Or they might not, and we’ll never hear of it again.

Keep your hopes in check!

Via Destructoid

Fez won’t be coming to the 3DS. You can count the game out for Wii U as well.

Creator Phil Fish is still tweeting away, and wrote on his page a few hours ago that a Wii U port of Fez would only happen “if Nintendo paid for and handled the port themselves.”

Fish’s tweet:

Source, Via

ABC has published a series of interviews with Shigeru Miyamoto, but this may be one of the most interesting discussions we’ve seen over the past few weeks. Miyamoto talked about Ghostbusters (he’s a fan, but it didn’t lead to Luigi’s Mansion), how Nintendo decides between putting a game on the 3DS (3D) or Wii U (HD), his secret Facebook page, and the possibility of a theme-park (it could happen one day, maybe).

As always, you can find all of Miyamoto’s responses below.

Shigeru Miyamoto has stopped by the StreetPass Mii Plaza for a visit, complete with a Luigi hat. He’ll give you a puzzle piece and will help out in Find Mii.

Dan Adelman is quickly becoming a prominent figure at Nintendo. The business development manager joined the company in 2005, and has pretty much been the man in charge – behind the scenes – for Nintendo’s indie involvement and digital offerings.

Gamasutra sat down with Adelman for a chat covering various indie and eShop topics. He confirmed the removal of Nintendo’s indie developer office space requirement and WiiWare threshold for all digital platforms. Adelman also talked about how indies set their own prices, can easily update their games, puchase a dev kit for “about the price of a high-end PC”, and more.

Head past the break for all of Adelman’s comments.

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