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Perhaps my favorite thing that exists in the world is irony, and while I know this story doesn’t actually “mean” anything tangible, it has about as much of the stuff as you could cram into anything particularly related to video games. Why? The actor portraying Sony’s great marketing icon “Kevin Butler” is appearing in a Bridgestone advertisement that contains a tie-in with the Wii.

It’s not clear to me whether this is a contest or a promotion or something less significant, but it is- for what it’s worth- ironic.

Via TheSixAxis

This is how Windfall Island looks in Wind Waker…

How do you think the fan-made effort stacks up?


The Legend of Zelda celebrated its 25th anniversary last year. However, twenty five years ago, the series made its debut in the United States. The first game in the series hit the NES on August 22, 1988.


Unfortunately, the 3DS XL above was lost during an anger outburst…

It’s truly a shame to see hardware destroyed in this manner. In this case, the 3DS XL hasn’t been out that long!

Source, Via

There have been lots of Nintendo-related ripoffs in the past. Some are worse than others. But this latest one – boy oh boy, it’s pretty obvious that the developer took inspiration from one of Nintendo’s eShop games.

Above are screenshots from BlockShift. It’s a title that can be downloaded for the Android platform. You can probably tell that it features the same style and gameplay included in Pushmo, the Nintendo-published and Intelligent Systems-made eShop title. Heck, it even supports QR codes!

I guess the only bright spot in all of this is that BlockShift is free, so at least the developer isn’t looking to make a profit from the game…

Some tracks came out better than others… you have to appreciate the effort in any case!


Well, you can’t get much bigger than the Olympics! Of course, not everyone watching would know that’s a 3DS… but it’s still neat that it made an appearance.


Nope, Mike Tyson never beat “Punch-Out!!”.

Tyson starred in the original NES game as the final boss. In future versions, he was replaced with Mr. Dream.


The voice of Mario has spoken. Charles Martinet is ready to see a sequel to Super Mario Sunshine. What about you folks?

This isn’t something to be taken too seriously, especially given that it’s a parody. Enjoy it for what it is!

Thanks to Jason B for the tip.

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