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Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai posted the following message:

“Here’s the X Bomb from Kid Icarus: Uprising. Not to be mistaken for the one from Meteos.”

Platinum Games has updated its Wonderful 101 blog with a sixteenth post. You can find it here. Today’s update covers the mysterious characters in the game.

Disney Infinity is a huge gamble – especially since the project’s budget was around $100 million. The Wall Street Journal, which shared the news, says that figure includes the cost of making the game as well as toys. Putting things in perspective, $100 million is what it costs to produce a major film.


NPD Group has released a listing of the top ten best-selling games in the U.S. for the month of July. The results can be found below.



SEGA’s Gamescom lineup consists of three games: Sonic Lost World, Total War: Rome II, and The Cave.

Sonic Lost World will be playable at Nintendo’s booth. Its appearance consists of new playable levels, a new trailer, and screenshots.

SEGA also will be sharing “exciting news” about The Cave – whatever that means!


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