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Wii U

Namco Bandai announced Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures’ release date at Comic-Con today. The console version is due out on October 29, followed by the 3DS release on November 26.

You can find several new Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures here.


SEGA brought along a new Sonic Lost World world to the San Diego Comic-Con: the Frozen Factory. Despite the name, the area highlighted in the new demo is actually casino-themed. Read on below for details.

– Called Frozen Factory
– Players will get a better idea of how the names fit with the worlds when the full game is out
– Casino zone is a place in the Frozen Factory
– Has huge poker chips and coins and deadly spinning dice
– Lasers shoot out from the walls and weave their way into your running path
– Sonic will get electrocuted and his rings go flying when hit by the laser
– Most enemies are defeated with a single bounce
– One ball-shaped enemy with a shield requires you to run around his back to kick him to knock him off guard
– Silver coins are scattered around the stage
– Pick them up for points
– Use them to access other parts of the stage at certain points
– Silver coins float in the air above and behind Sonic, growing in number in a sort of coin cloud
– Ex: use coins to access a pinball segment of the stage
– This area pays tribute to past Sonic games; will see Miles’ name in the stage decoration
– In one section, you have to flip Sonic into a certain catch to get out of the pinball machine area and back into the stage
– There are also hidden optional pinball stage sections to find on your own
– Rest of the stage has Sonic running from huge runaway slot machine wheels
– Use Sonic’s parkour moves to run along walls to dodge these and other obstacles
– Some zones had numbered rings to run through, with progress permitted only after running through them in order
– This is situated on a cylinder that can be explored fully as you progress down it
– Running alongside another edge or its bottom will reveal alternate paths
– Lasers play a big role in the last stretch of the stage, doing a sort of Tron thing, beaming out from everywhere in front Sonic to hinder your progress
– A bell bounced around between multiple laser paths, beckoning you to follow it and ring it along the way
– This required some tight platforming jumps to bounce into path clearings to follow it
– Ends with one final dodge through a fleet of huge rolling slot reels


The Guardian conducted an interview with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata during E3 2013, and has just now published the full talk. Iwata commented on Wii U’s lack of strong titles, third-party support, Zelda Wii U, the 3DS’ success, and more.

You can find a roundup of Iwata’s quotes below.

Video has been placed after the break due to auto-play.

Video has been placed after the break due to auto-play.

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