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Nintendo Power has released a public preview of this month’s magazine. Titles featured include Pokemon Black/White 2, Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, and Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward.

The issue arrives on newsstands on September 4 and has already started to reach subscribers.

– 207 companies are set to exhibit at TGS 2012 compared to 193 last year.
– 712 games are set to be shown off, but that number is expected to grow.
– 736 games were showcased last year, and 2012 is predicted to top that.
– Smartphones/Tablets have most of the games, with 134 between the duo.
– PS2 (I imagine this is a typo and it meant to say PS3) has the most console support, followed by 3DS and Xbox 360
– No DS games are being shown.
– No Wii/Wii U games yet.
– 6 Vita games, 5 PSP
– 10 360 games
– 8 “other” games.

Via Andriasang

Nigoro has officially confirmed its partnership with EnjoyUp Games to bring La-Mulana to the North American WiiWare service. Once again, it will be out on September 20 for 1000 points.

There’s even more good news: La-Mulana should be available in Europe on the same day as the US release. A price point hasn’t been announced yet, but count on it being similar to the North American points amount.

Source, Via

This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo eShop
SpeedX 3D – SpeedX 3D for Nintendo 3DS™ is a stunning tunnel racer that tests players’ skill and transports them into a trance, filled with great electronic music and hypnotic graphics. (For Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo 3DS™ XL)

THEATRHYTHM ™ FINAL FANTASY® (demo version) – The THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY demo is now available for download in the Nintendo eShop. Tap and slide to the rhythm of timeless tracks from the FINAL FANTASY series while joining forces with iconic characters and facing off against memorable monsters and villains. (For Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo 3DS XL)

Guess which digital title popped up on Nintendo’s website today? Yes, it’s La-Mulana!

EnjoyUp Games, rumored to be publishing La-Mulana in Europe, will be bringing it to the North American Wii Shop Channel. Believe it or not, the game is less than a month away from launch. Nintendo’s site says that it’s coming on September 20 for 1,000 points.

Surely this means that EnjoyUp will also publish La-Mulana in Europe, and it can likely be expected in PAL territories soon.

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