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Note: This summary is complete for the most part, but there may be some missing bits here and there. Also, I started the summary before the Wii price drop was announced, so keep that in mind when reading the summary!

Wii price drop

– Still hasn’t happened
– All signs pointing to it though
– A bunch of leaked ads from retailers
– Nintendo will be making an announcement soon
– Matt will be surprised if by this time tomorrow it isn’t official
– Nintendo has been saying they wouldn’t do a price drop
– Wii has seen dramatic decrease in sales
– Sony dropped the price of the PS3
– Nintendo probably feels it is time for the drop
– Need something exciting going into the holiday season, not just a game
– Not doing different system colors in US
– Even at $199 Nintendo will still be making a lot of money

Rumors about a new SKU

– MotionPlus and Wii Sports Resort
– Would be $250 still
– Craig hopes they do a throwback to the NES days and put both games on one disc
– It’s a drag to exchange Wii Sports/Resort discs

Okamiden screenshots

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, News | 1 Comment

Some new, some old…

This is a portion of an email that I received from Capcom…

“Today at the Tokyo Game Show, Tatsunoko VS Capcom Ultimate All-Stars producer Ryota Niitsuma has announced Dead Rising’s Frank West as a playable character in TvC. Tatsunoko VS Capcom Ultimate All-Stars is due to be released in North America on January 26, 2010.”

[flashvideo file=/uploads/TGS2009.flv /]

[flashvideo file=/uploads/miles_ed.flv /]

[flashvideo file=/uploads/ghost_trick_trailer.flv /]

Picture 2

Capcom has officially opened up the site for the upcoming DS sequel to Okami, Okamiden. The site, as of now, is in Japanese, but the art on the even just the main page is fantastic.

Take a look at it, here.

Update: Added in a gameplay video

[flashvideo file=/uploads/darkside_chronicles_trailer.flv /]

[flashvideo file=/uploads/dc_gameplay.flv /]

Update: Added in Frank West screenshots

[flashvideo file=/uploads/t_v_c_trailer.flv /]

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