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Scribblenauts isn’t even a week old, but that isn’t stopping 5th Cell from teasing fans with an announcement of sorts. Check out this short message, which was posted over at the Scribblenauts official Facebook page

“Get your rooster hats ready! We have a very special announcement coming very soon…”

One would think that this would be Scribblenauts-related, since the notice was specifically relayed over on the Facebook page for the game. If it had something to do with 5th Cell in general, the message probably would have appeared somewhere else, such as the company’s twitter. However, it’d be wise not to get too excited at this point, mainly because we have absolutely no idea what 5th Cell is teasing. But we should find out what this is all about “very soon.”

Spyborgs launch trailer

Posted 15 years ago by in News, Wii | 0 comments

This comes from the Capcom-Unity forums…

“We’ll always be experimenting with new IP. This generation of hardware alone has given us:

Lost Planet

Age of Booty


Dead Rising

Zack & Wiki


We Love Golf

Dark Void

Ghost Trick (recently announced)

If you wanted to take a more liberal view of something like TvC, you could call it a new franchise for us, even if it isn’t new IP (all characters have previously existed).

And I’m sure some others I’m forgetting off the top of my head. Naturally, we always need to be introducing new IP so that we have some percentage of them “stick” to become ongoing franchises. But it’s always a balancing act both to keep fans happy and to manage risk.” – Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development

Thanks to Jake for the news tip!


Cammie Dunaway will be forever known for her E3 2008 performance, when she participated in a demo of Shaun White Snowboarding on stage. Between the story about her broken wrist and her Balance Board performance, that whole portion of Nintendo’s E3 conference became a running joke of sorts.

Someone over at GAME (a giant UK retailer) must have recalled what happened at E3 last year. As you can see from the boxart above, the image features a significant blunder. No, Cammie Dunaway is not in Shaun White Snowboarding 2. You have to wonder how that modified version of the boxart managed to slip through on to GAME’s website!

Source 1, Source 2

Thanks to VySe for the news tip!

Source 1, Source 2

It was inevitable, wasn’t it? Earlier today during a conference call, the Wii’s price drop was apparently confirmed. As was expected, the new price of the console will be dropped to $199 on Sunday, September 27th. Because of the Walmart, Toys R Us, Target, and Best Buy ad listings, a widespread cut is probable. Nintendo has not made an official announcement yet, but it looks like all of the rumors can finally be put to rest.


Walmart, Toys R Us, Target, and now Best Buy are saying that there will be a Wii price drop in just a matter of weeks. I’m still going to remain on the rumor, but this is looking more official as the days go by.

Thanks to Thomas for the news tip!


Thanks to NintenDaan for the news tip!

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